Jack Miller- Joker

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I can't believe that it's already the second to last race of the reason already it feels like just yesterday that everyone was preparing for the first race in Qatar but really it's been just over 7 months. Sadly I haven't got to go to as many races as I would have liked because of restrictions and work but I have cleared my schedule especially for these last 2 rounds to be there to support Jack.

Jack has been having a tough time this season especially in the later part with crashes and tyre issues his luck just hasn't been great. I'm hoping that this will change for the last few races and we will get to enjoy some good results and properly celebrate together. I have seen some odd celebration in my time with Jack and somehow he always thinks of a new ridiculous thing to do so it will be interesting to see what he has in store although I'm not sure if I particularly want to know.

The weekend has been going well so far and both him and Pecco are looking really good out on track with them both qualifying front row. It's set to be a really good battle which I know Jack loves just as much as getting a good result. I on the other hand hate watching close battles out on track because I'm always worried that someone will get knocked off.

Everyone is so upbeat in the garage this morning which is really helping with how tired I am from Jack waking me up early to go for a run with him like some kind of mad man. He somehow managed to convince me to go which is why I feel like a zombie while everyone else might as well of had 10 cups of coffee.

"Come on babe wake up it's almost time for warmup and I need you to watch so you can tell me how good I'm going to do in the race" Jack joked

"I don't need to be awake to do that because I know you will do well" I replied

"Well wake up anyway I'm going to get a podium just for you" he said

"Well then I'll make sure to be wide awake for the race" I said 

He gave me a hug before getting on his bike and speeding out the garage just like he always does. During the warm up I sat on the chair in the back of the garage and watched the screen that showed what was happening eagerly, warm up is always much less stressful than the actual race so I get to enjoy watching Jack do what he loves without being on edge the whole time. The lap times we're looking really good and I had such a good feeling about the race I just know it's going to be a good one Jack is definitely on for a podium at the least. 

Jack made it back to the garage as hyped as ever, he walked right over and put his arm around my waist as he fiddled with his helmet trying to take it off so instead of watching him struggle I moved to stand in front of him and undid the clasp and took it off putting it on the side. He grabbed my waist again and used his other hand to lift my chin so that he could kiss my lips gently, I'm about the only thing he is gentle with he is always gentle with his touch because he doesn't want to hurt me in any way even though there is no way he could hurt me just kissing me or holding my hand.  

Since there was quite a bit of time until the race Jack had his debrief with the team and then we had free time to watch the other races. We were stood at the pit wall as the race started with our hands locked together resting on the wall and when the bikes were further round the track we got to talk to each other about what was happening and he told me a bit about some of the riders he knows well. The race was so interesting and the champion was crowned which was so fun to watch because I missed Fabio winning at the last race and it is always nice to see someone achieve their dream especially someone so young. Jack dragged me from the pit wall to go and congratulate Acosta which I did want to do but I knew someone would end up filming it and being on camera on live tv isn't my thing and who would have thought I was correct cameras were shoved in my face from all angles the second we got anywhere near the action. That was until Jack put his hand up at the side of my face to stop the cameramen filming me. 

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