Valentine's Day

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Fabio Quartararo

- Valentine's Day is usually a busy day for the both of you has he has training and you have work so generally you don't get to spend too much time together 

- despite that Fabio still likes to do things to make you smile so when he wakes up he makes heart shaped pancakes for you which took him quite a while as you don't have any heart shaped cookie cutters that he could use 

- all the effort is worth it to him as soon as you send him a text thanking him along with a picture of you smiling with the pancakes because he just wanted to make you smile 

- during the day he stops his training so that he can text you during your lunch break as otherwise you wouldn't hear from each other until the evening and he can't wait that long on any normal day but especially on Valentine's Day as if he could he'd spend all day with you 

- he gets home first and has to wait until you eventually get home but the second you do he is at the door giving you kisses all over your face and refusing to let go even for a few seconds to let you take your coat off 

- eventually he does let go and he tells you to get changed as he made dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant so you drag him upstairs with you to help choose your outfit as he really likes to do it 

- once you are dressed he stands in the bathroom with you with his hands around your waist as you do your hair and makeup and he even helps by curling the back of your hair that is harder for you to see 

- when you get there the restaurant is very busy like expected but once you are sat down together it is like no one else is in the room as all you are focused on is each other and enjoying the moment 

- the dinner was lovely and you both enjoyed getting to go on a date as those aren't always a regular occurrence but when you got home and collapsed on the sofa together that was when the celebrations truly began as you can relax together 

- for the rest of the evening you just lay together talking about anything and everything which is one of your favourite past times as when given the chance Fabio can come out with the most random things and the best stories which is always fun 

- only when it's really late do you guys go to bed and fall asleep cuddling like always 

Marc Marquez

- Marc doesn't like the traditions that come with Valentine's Day because he thinks that it doesn't hold as much meaning if you just go along with the traditions so the two of you have your own traditions which he much prefers 

- something he really loves about you is that you aren't bothered about going out for Valentine's Day and in fact would much rather stay in and spend quality time with him which is exactly what he likes to do as he always thinks it's just so busy that you don't enjoy yourself 

- one of the things he likes to do is get your favourite things instead of getting roses and chocolates he will get you your favourite flowers or a little plant for the house and your favourite snacks just purely for you so you don't have to share with him

- after you get home from work he will have everything set out in the kitchen for you along with a little note which as you read he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist 

- as much as Valentine's Day is about the two of you as a couple Marc likes to make the day about you because he says that you make enough sacrifices for him with racing and everything that he wants to use the day to treat you 

- instead of going out for dinner he will make sure he has all the ingredients to make your favourite meal which over time he has perfected with some help from your mum as she gave him her recipe which is the one you love

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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