Pecco Bagnaia- It's going to be ok

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A/n: hey everyone I'm going to be at the Silverstone race next weekend so I have no idea if I will be able to post and I won't be writing so some requests may be delayed so sorry in advance

For Pecco this season has been a nightmare as he went in as the championship favourite and now is trailing by a good chunk of points which are going to be hard to make up as it is so he can't afford any more mistakes. All of this is takings its toll on him as each weekend that he doesn't get the result he wants he comes home more and more disappointed in himself and I've even started to hear him call himself useless on occasion which just kills me each time I hear it. It has also begun to take its toll on our relationship because as much as I want to be there for Pecco he keeps shutting me out and not allowing me to see if there is any way I can help. We barely speak anymore as when he gets home from a bad weekend he doesn't want to talk and then during the weekend he spends so much so much time training to try and be better that I only see him at night when I'm in bed already. 

After Pecco's last dnf in Catalunya which wasn't his fault I decided I had to get some time off work and a go to the next race with him as I haven't been to one this season and it felt like he could really use some extra support. Last season I went to a lot of the last races as I was on a particular task that allowed me to work from home and it really helped Pecco so I'm kind of hoping the same will happen this time and at least if it doesn't I will be there to support him. Part of me is also hoping that if I'm there in person Pecco won't be able to hide away and maybe I can get him to talk to me about how he's feeling but for now that is a secondary thought the main thing is to go and support him. 

Pecco left yesterday for Germany as he had to be there today for media but I didn't as I couldn't get the extra day off as it's our busy time at work but I am going this morning on the earliest flight I could get which means getting up at 4am to make sure I'm through security for my 6:30 flight. It felt so odd leaving the house to go to the airport by myself as I never fly anywhere on my own it's always with Pecco but I managed to get everything organised and get myself into the car in time despite the panic in my head. The actual airport was also very stressful as there was way more people than I expected and the lines were long which made me worry about getting to my flight in time but it all worked out and I got to my gate with a bit of time to spare. Just as I was about to shut my phone off before getting on the plane I got a text from Pecco wishing me a safe flight and saying he couldn't wait to see me again which calmed me down but also put a smile on my face as it showed me that he does still care about me even if things are tough at the moment. 

After Pecco's text I felt a lot more relaxed for the flight and even managed to sleep a bit on the plane which I never usually do but soon enough the plane landed and I was allowed to get off and relax a bit more. By the time I actually made it through the airport and got a car to the circuit Pecco had started his media duties so I spent some time putting my things away in the motorhome before going to say hello to the team as over the years I've got to know them well and having not seen them in ages I wanted to catch up with them. While sat in the garage talking Pecco came in and walked right over hugging me from behind and pressing a kiss to my cheek which made me blush as usually neither of us are big into pda but it was nice to have him be so affectionate after being so distant the last couple months. The team left us alone while Pecco had his free time so we went to the motorhome and talked about my flight and the weekend which Pecco was feeling positive about which was a nice surprise so I did all I could to keep him feeling that way. 

Once his break was over Pecco wanted me to go to his interviews with him so I agreed to tag along as I've not actually experienced this side of things before as even if I've been at the track I always do other things during media. The two of us walked through the paddock hand in hand which we haven't done for a long time and I could see people taking pictures which felt really odd and made me feel very self conscious as I hate people taking pictures of me. Along the way we stopped a few times to say hello to a few people walking past but eventually we made it to where all of the riders were sat for all the media people to ask them questions. To start with I stood out of the way because I didn't want to get in anyones way who was there doing their job but Pecco quickly got me to come over and got a chair so I could sit next to him which I did. For a while I felt a little uncomfortable as I felt like everyone was looking at me but eventually I settled in and just listened to all the questions and Pecco's answers until he was done. 

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