Fabio Quartararo- Surprise visit

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My morning is already off to the best start possible as I woke up with Fabio's arms around my waist and his face pressed into my shoulder. Last night we went out for a date night and he invited me back to his place so that we could spend the whole of today together as he's currently on a break from racing but he will be back to it soon and thats when we see a lot less of each other. Fabio and I have been going on dates for around 6 months but have been officially a couple for 4 which has gone by so quickly but they have been the best 4 months of my life. Every time I see Fabio and spend time with him I'm at my happiest which is how I know he is the one for me as no one makes me as happy as Fabio does. 

When I first woke up Fabio wasn't awake but after laying there for a few minutes I felt him move his head further into the crook of my neck where he placed a gentle kiss. His grip around my waist loosened which allowed me to turn around so that we were facing each other although his eyes were still closed so I just laid there looking at him. Eventually he opened his eyes and gave me his usual bright smile which quickly turned into a cheeky smirk as he got out of bed and picked me up over his shoulder. He walked down the stairs with me over his shoulder which was scary as I could see the floor underneath us the whole time and it didn't help that Fabio kept loosening his grip to tease me which was fun to start with until I started to worry about falling and then it became a lot more stressful. Somehow we made it down in one piece after I made him hold on tighter and I gripped onto him as best I could. 

Once we made it I expected him to put me down but he kept me over his shoulder and walked towards the kitchen where he finally put me down on the counter. Just as I was about to get off the counter he pushed me back up and gave me look which I knew meant he wanted me to stay there. While I sat on the side I watched him collect different things from the cupboards until he had everything he wanted which is when he beckoned me over to him. He handed me a whisk as he started measuring out flour and the other ingredients needed to make pancakes which he knows are my favourite. Things were going well until Fabio decided to get some of the batter on his finger and put it on my nose which of course he found hilarious but I definitely didn't but once I wiped the batter off I plotted my revenge. As he was distracted laughing I managed to reach for the flour and get some in my hand which I tipped over his head. This turned out to be a bad decision as it resulted in us both throwing flour at each other and making a huge mess across the entire kitchen and ourselves. 

Eventually we stopped and actually finished making breakfast which we had to eat stood in the kitchen as to not make the rest of the house dirty. Before we cleaned the kitchen Fabio took some pictures of us and the mess we had made and sent them to me so we could look back on this day in the future and maybe laugh about it more when we haven't had to just clean the mess. I put on some music and we worked together with me washing the countertops while he did the floor and wherever else was covered in flour. With music on it didn't take us very long to get the kitchen clean but it was a while before we actually left the kitchen as we ended up dancing together for about 20 minutes. If anyone had walked into the house they would have thought the two of us were insane dancing in a completely clean kitchen covered in flour and who knows what else but neither of us cared because we were having fun. 

We took turns showering and when I got out I was about to get changed into the clothes I brought with me but I saw that Fabio had put one of his shirts on top of the bag with my things in it clearly wanting me to wear it. I put the sweatpants I had actually brought with me on before putting the shirt on and realising it was his favourite which put a smile on my face knowing he wanted me to wear it. When I saw myself in the mirror I looked a mess with no makeup on, hair just left to dry however it wanted and my casual outfit but I didn't feel self conscious at all because I know Fabio wouldn't even think twice about it. 

The two of us agreed to just have a lazy day so I went downstairs when I was ready and found some blankets that Fabio has and piled them on the sofa for us to curl up under while we watch a film. He quickly came down and joined me grabbing the tv remote before climbing under the  pile of blankets and holding them up so I could join him. There is plenty of room on the sofa for us to lay next to each other but of course Fabio had to pull me on top of him as soon as I was under the blanket which was fine by me. We spent ages choosing a film as Fabio wanted to show me a certain film that he loves but I wanted to watch a new film together. Eventually we decided that we would watch a new film now and then later we would watch the other film he wanted me to see that way we both get what we want and it gives us something to do later today. Before the film started I went and grabbed snacks for the both of us which we ate through the film after I convinced Fabio that he didn't have to be healthy all the time and promised that I wouldn't tell anyone. 

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