Alex Marquez- Paradise

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After having to wait a few months because of the end of the summer break me and Alex are finally getting our honeymoon. We wanted to get away before the season restarted but things just didn't work out as we both got involved in other things but now that its winter break we are finally able to get away just the two of us and have the honeymoon we wanted. Alex has taken it upon himself to plan everything and only recently told me exactly when and where we are going but that was only because I begged him so that I would know what to pack. He's been so excited to get away that he woke me up before 3am this morning even though we don't need to leave the house until just before 6 to make it to the airport, I didn't want to get up as I didn't sleep well and it was way too early but when Alex rolled over and started kissing my face all over I couldn't resist opening my eyes to cuddle with him until we needed to get up. His arms made their way around my waist and he pulled me on top of him and started playing with my hair which almost sent me back to sleep but talking with him just about kept me awake. 

We stayed in bed talking for a few hours before we had to get up which neither of us wanted to do but Alex rolled out of bed meaning I went with him and almost fell on the floor but he caught me while laughing at what he had done. I got myself ready in a comfy outfit which consisted of some sweatpants and one of Alex's hoodies that I just took from his wardrobe as it's comfy and it smells like him which is an added bonus. While I was in the kitchen making a breakfast I didn't want as it was so early Alex walked in and placed a kiss on my cheek as he went past me to the fridge but he stopped when he looked at me and saw me wearing his hoodie. 

"Is that my hoodie?" He asked even though he knew the answer 

"Maybe" I replied 

"Well it looks cute on you" he said which made me blush just like every other time he compliments me

"Stop it your making me blush" I said 

"That was the idea babe I love the way you get all shy when you blush" he said 

All I could do was shake my head at him as I sat at the breakfast bar to eat the cereal I had prepared but that didn't stop him he kept finding any little thing he could to compliment me on so that my cheeks were just constantly red the whole time we were eating. He only stopped when we got ready to leave as we were both doing other things like putting suitcases in the car and getting chargers to put in our carry on bags. Once we were sorted we got in the car and like usual Alex drives because he much prefers driving himself even though I'm more than capable but I let him because I was so tired that I didn't really want to drive. The entire drive I was staring out the window while Alex had his hand on my knee using his thumb to draw little circles which was the only thing that kept me from falling asleep again. 


Finally the plane landed after a very long and not enjoyable flight, there was a lot of turbulence which made me feel very sick which wasn't helped by the little surprise I've been keeping from Alex that I'm going to tell him about at some point before we leave. As soon as we got off the plane I felt a whole lot better and started to feel more excited about getting to relax under the sun with my favourite person in the entire world. Alex also looked so much more relaxed when we left the airport than I think I've ever seen him in the entire time we have been together, usually he is always thinking about something whether that be the next race or something else he has to do but today he seems like he isn't worrying about anything which is so nice to see as I'm always trying to get him to stop worrying. 

Alex and I got out the airport and got into a taxi to take us to the place he had rented for the week, we decided to get a taxi as we weren't planning to go many places and anywhere we would want to go was apparently within walking distance so there was no need to rent a car or for either of us to drive. The scenery out the window of the taxi was just beautiful there was a great view out to sea as well as view of all the amazing plants like the great big trees and the smaller brightly coloured flowers, it was truly breathtaking and only got better the closer and closer we got to our destination. Alex has been here before which is apparently how he knew about the place we are going to stay but I've never been before so I'm very much enjoying taking in everything around me. 

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