New Years

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Fabio Quartararo: 

A few friends are hosting a party for New Years so you decide to go as otherwise you would just go elsewhere or stay in. Parties aren't usually your thing but Fabio was excited and you knew he would be with you the whole night so you were ok with going. Going out means dressing up and of course Fabio wants to help decide your outfit so you let him pick your dress as you do your hair and makeup. He actually picks a nice dress and you only had to add a jacket so you don't freeze which you also let him pick as why not. Of course Fabio loves what he picks for you to wear so until you leave he is just staring at you and taking pictures of you which aren't going to be posted anywhere they are just for him to look at. You did take some pictures together in the mirror which he posted but after that both of your put your phones away for the night. 

At the party there is a lot of people which you expected but there was more than you thought there would be. Walking in Fabio had a tight grip on your hand and makes sure you are with him wherever you go. Loads of your friends are there so together you go around talking to them all and catching up as some you haven't seen in a while as you both have been so busy. For once you actually let loose and enjoy yourself which means having a few drinks and not worrying about every little thing which meant you actually really enjoyed the evening. Fabio doesn't drink so he can drive you both home and keeps an eye on you but he mostly just lets you have fun as he has more fun seeing you happy than he would drinking. You get a little bit drunk not enough to not remember the night but enough that you have a new level of confidence. With this new confidence you pull Fabio to dance with you and you end up dancing together for a good while until its time for the countdown. As the countdown hits zero Fabio pulls you in and gives you a sweet kiss. 

Marc Marquez:

Both of you had just got off a long flight and had been awake over 24 hours already so you were both incredibly tired but you really wanted to see the new year in together as you have done it since you started dating and wanted to keep the tradition. To keep your minds active and somewhat awake you play video games together although neither of you were as good as you normally are and there was some staring blankly at the tv for a few minutes before you both came back to reality. Instead of games you then try other things to keep you awake like dancing to music, standing outside in the cold and running around the house none of which were particularly useful. By this point you were both so sleep deprived that any little thing sent you into fits of laughter so of course when Marc tripped over the leg of the sofa both of you were on the floor laughing for ages which definitely wasted some time.

Eventually you both gave in and had some coffee even though you wanted to sleep right after midnight you just weren't going to make it to midnight of you didn't have some caffeine. After coffee Marc felt alive but you didn't really feel any different but you tried to push through anyway. The biggest mistake was putting on a movie to kill the rest of the time as that made you feel even more tired to the point that you just couldn't keep your eyes open anymore no matter how hard you fought. You of course fell asleep pretty much as soon as you closed your eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Marc who simply pulled you on top of him and cuddled you knowing you really needed some sleep after a long few days. He watched the movie and then turned on the countdown even though it was just him watching it. To celebrate the new year he took a picture of the two of you and posted it to his Instagram as most years you take a picture together but this years was just slightly different. 

Alex Marquez:

After a hectic Christmas and year in general you and Alex decided that instead of going out you just want to spend New Years in your house together just the two of you. You didn't make any plans so when you woke up you just laid in bed together not really saying anything just laying and cuddling together until you were both really hungry and needed to have some breakfast. Alex made breakfast for the both of you which he brought back upstairs so you can eat it in bed. When you both eventually get out of bed you pretty much just move straight to the sofa and turn on a movie. All day you have a movie marathon watching film after film until you decide to go out for a short walk but after that you continue watching movies for the rest of the day. 

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