Fabio Quartararo- Valentines fun

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This morning when I woke up the curtains in the bedroom were already open and the bed next to me was empty which made me panic for a few moments until Fabio walked in with a tray of breakfast with him that he placed over my lap once I sat up. He left again leaving me incredibly confused as to what he was doing that is until I grabbed my phone and saw that the date was the 14th making it all make so much more sense, luckily past me had remembered so I had his card written and gotten his gift which was a relief. When I worked out what he was doing it brought a smile to my face as Fabio isn't the most romantic person so when he does little things like this it makes me feel appreciated. 

He came back in with his breakfast and sat next to me kissing my cheek and smiling at me with that smile I love so very much. As I started to eat the pancakes Fabio had made which were very delicious he got up again and ran back out to the kitchen and came back with whipped cream which he put on the pancakes as well as putting a bit on the tip of my nose just to be annoying which I allowed him to get away with for now but I will get him back later. That man can be so annoying sometimes but that is exactly why I love him because we are both like that at times and when we are we don't argue about it we just laugh about it afterwards. Nonetheless I took the whipped cream off my nose and ate the rest of the food, usually I make breakfast because it's not Fabio's thing but he seems to have learnt something from watching me and put it to use but it was well worth it as everything was very tasty. 

After breakfast he cleared away everything while I sat in bed because he didn't let me help in fact he made me promise to not move a muscle as he would be right back. I did feel bad that he was doing everything but I let him do what he wanted as I can make it up to him later or another day and it was quite nice to have him doing things for me as most of the time he isn't here and I do a lot of the chores which he tells me endlessly he feel bad about which today he must be trying to make up for. Once he was back from doing the dishes he got back into bed right next to me pulling me on top of him so that I could rest my head on his chest and his arms went right around my waist and began rubbing my back gently. From my position I got a glimpse of the clock and almost choked on the air I was breathing when I saw that it was 11:30 as that's the latest we have ever been in bed together other than the one time we were incredibly jet lagged from flying around to a few different places in a just a few days as there is just always something to do. As much as it was a surprise that it was so late and we had done nothing it still didn't make me want to get up because we never get this time alone together so being able to simply lay in bed together for as long as we want is like a dream. 

Eventually we did get up and I got showered and while I did Fabio must have set out clothes for me as when I went back to the bedroom there was a pair of shorts and one of his t-shirts sitting on my bedside table. Of course I put on the clothes and walking out of the bedroom I realised what Fabio had done when seeing myself in the mirror, he always loves it when I wear his clothes but there is one particular shirt that he always insists looks better on me than him and thats the one he had given me to wear like the sneaky little minx he is. When I left the bedroom Fabio was sat on the sofa waiting for me and when he saw me coming he opened his arms and so naturally I slotted myself in between them sitting in his lap. 

"You look gorgeous love" he said 

"Thank you but don't act like you didn't know what you were doing giving me this shirt to wear" I joked 

"Oh I definitely knew what I was doing but can you blame me you always look so hot dressed like that" he said 

"Stop it you're making me blush" I said 

"That was the plan my love" he said 

I hit his chest lightly to get him to stop but instead it just made him laugh and when I tried to shut him up by putting my hand over his mouth he just licked my hand which I should have seen coming because thats just how he is but it still surprised me. Just to tease him I got off his lap and sat next to him with my arms crossed and a pout on my face which was very childish of me but sometimes its the best way to tease Fabio. As usual it was a success and it took him a few seconds at the most to tackle me into a hug and place kisses all over my face while whispering that he was sorry over and over again. He continued to lay on top of me for a while playing with my hair completely focussed on getting the perfect braid with the thin bit of hair that my head wasn't resting on, doing hair isn't his strong point but for what he had to work with he did pretty well. 

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