Telling them your pregnant

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Fabio Quartararo:

Kids weren't something you and Fabio had discussed too much you both knew you wanted them but exactly when that would happen had never been a topic of conversation. You wanted to have kids sooner rather than later so that you could run around with them and give them the best childhood possible but you knew Fabio's career had just got started and you didn't want having kids to affect his potential to do great thing. He also wanted kids but had never discussed it with you thinking that you wouldn't want to have kids too young and be judged by the people around you. So it's safe to say that you were really nervous when you started to feel sick in the mornings and when certain food just made you incredibly nauseous.

You put off taking a test for a few weeks hoping it was just a sickness bug but when the date for your period came and went you knew you had to find out and just hope for the best when telling Fabio. The whole time you were waiting for the results your hands were shaking and you were pacing back and forth not exactly sure what you wanted it to say. When you looked at the test and it was positive you burst out into tears but they were tears of pure happiness knowing you were actually having a baby with the man you loved more than anyone else. The nerves came back when you realised you had to tell Fabio but luckily he was away for a race and left you at home as you weren't feeling well, to try and help reassure yourself you call him mum and told her and of course she was thrilled but first of all she helped you calm down and told you that Fabio had been wanting kids with you for a while which made you feel so much better. When he gets home you hand him the test the second he gets in the door and it takes him a moment to register what was going on but when he does he picks you up and twirls you round which does make you feel sick but you don't care in the moment. For the rest of the day he can't stop smiling and kissing your stomach even though there is nothing there yet.

Marc Marquez:

You and Marc didn't plan on having kids until a few years in the future because his focus was on racing and when you had kids he wanted to be around to help you and spend time with them. At least that was until he got injured and wasn't able to ride for months on end, it was a hard time for him because racing is what he loves to do but it made him realise that it wasn't everything in life. Getting to be with you every day and enjoy your lives together made him reevaluate his plans, he came to the decision that he wanted to settle down and have a family with you while he was still racing and he would just learn to balance his life better. You had wanted kids for months but you knew racing was his priority for the time being so didn't bring it up until he mentioned that he wanted the same thing. Both of you decided it was best to wait until he was better before you started trying but you made it a promise between you which meant there was no going back.

You guys stuck to your promise and the second he was fit enough to be back on the bike you started trying. You didn't put any pressure on it as you guys knew it would happen when the universe wanted it to which made everything much less stressful than you thought it would be. It only took a few months before you started to get symptoms and you started to think you might be pregnant but Marc was away so you waited or him to be home again so you could find out together that way you could share either the happiness or sadness between you. The second he arrives home you explain everything and drag him to the bathroom and he waits outside for you while you take the test. You both wait together anxiously for the result to be ready but as soon as it is neither of you want to look, eventually you decide to look together and see the little plus which meant you were pregnant. Immediately you both had tears of joy in your eyes and hugged each other as tightly as you could without hurting each other. It took a moment to sink in that you two would really be parents but when it did you were both overjoyed and surprised that it had happened so quickly.

Alex Marquez:

Kids had always been on the cards for you two because you were both desperate to have a family of your own as your families were so important to you both. Alex was more keen than you were as he was happy to have kids after you'd been together for a year but you wanted to wait until you both had your lives sorted out and were in your careers for a few years so that your lives were steady. Once he proposed you started to think more seriously about having kids and without Alex's knowledge you were reading books on parenting and pregnancy as well as looking at your job to see if you would be able to care for a child the way you would want to while he was still racing. When you had worked everything out it was clear that if you really wanted it like you did that everything would work out so that same week you told Alex what you had been doing and told him that as soon as he was ready you were.

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