Joan Mir- There's two!

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With every month of trying taking a test becomes a sadder and sadder experience so after 8 months a negative result is pretty much expected. There came a point when I didn't care about the result I just wanted this all to be over and it didn't just affect me Joan is feeling it too but he will never mention it because he thinks it's worse for me.

My usual alarm went off telling me it was the day to take a test which filled me with dread instead of the usual excitement people feel. Joan heard the alarm and looked at me in sympathy as I got up to go to the bathroom, he followed me and stood outside just like every month waiting for the day that it's good news and not bad news.

I waited the 5 minutes for the result and looked at the test quickly just expecting there to be one line but there wasn't. There was a second line sure it was faint but it was there. Tears welled up in my eyes as I opened the bathroom door and handed the test to Joan who looked at it and picked me up in a tight hug as soon as he realised. By that point we were both crying our eyes out because finally we were going to start the family we have been dreaming of for months now.

"So you're really pregnant?" Joan questioned still in disbelief

"Yeah there's a second line there" I said

We went and got another few tests to be sure but sure enough they all had the same result. Pregnant.


"I remember that moment like it was yesterday I can't believe that was almost 9 months ago" Joan said

"I know it feels like just yesterday and the first doctors appointment I could have sworn that was only a week ago" I said

He agreed and pulled up the pictures on his phone of that appointment it was the happiest day of our lives. In fact that ultrasound picture is all over our house so we can remember it in every room we go into.


Today is our first ultrasound and I'm so excited but also kind of nervous I mean there is a lot of things that could go wrong which obviously I don't want but I can't get them out my mind. Also after trying for so long I so desperately want everything to go perfectly that I'm a little stressed which I know isn't good but I can't help it.

We arrived at the doctors office and filled out all the necessary forms before we were called in by the doctor who asked some simple questions first before getting to the actual ultrasound. Joan grabbed my hand and held it tightly as the doctor put the wand on my stomach and looked at what was going on in there, I could see a small smile on his face which relieved some of the stress I was feeling and made the experience more enjoyable. We watched the screen together although we didn't really know what we were looking at and there wasn't much going on seeing as I'm not that far along.

"So here's the baby oh wait that's baby number 1 and over here is baby number 2" the doctor explained

"Wait there's two" Joan exclaimed

"Yes you are having twins congratulations" the doctor said


That really was like a dream come true after we had been trying for so long the universe gave us the best gift it could have ever given and gave us two babies to love with all our hearts. From that moment we loved them more than you could imagine and even though for a long time they were nothing but small little beans they were ours that we had waited so long for that it didn't matter. Slowly as the months came along they became more and more like little humans and that's when we really got to know them getting a sense of their personalities. When we found out the sexes we were over the moon and would have been no matter what but when we found out we were having two girls the both of us were thrilled especially with Alex having a son we were happy to bring some girls into the Suzuki family. Joan had mentioned that he wanted a girl because he wanted to dress her up and learn to do her hair, he was so excited that I decided not to mention the fact that they would eventually start dating because the protective side of him would come out and he would set a rule that they aren't allowed to date until they are 80 before they are even born which seemed a little harsh.

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