Marc Marquez- Weekend off

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For once there was no alarm in the early hours of the morning for Marc to get up and leave me to go to a race and I'm not going to be alone for the weekend after two back to back races I finally get to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. We don't often get to spend the weekends together truly relaxing as there is always something going on but this weekend Marc doesn't have anything to do so we get to spend all of it together. The two of us really took advantage of the fact that we didn't have to get up for anything so even when we were awake Marc turned on a movie and I moved to rest my head on his chest so that we could watch it together. Mindlessly he rubbed circles on my hip with his hand and he didn't even notice which was the cutest thing ever in fact he only realised what he was doing when I moved slightly to get more comfortable and the little embarrassed smile that formed on his face just melted my heart. 

Eventually we did get up and Marc went to make breakfast for the both of us even though I offered to do it so he could have some time to relax but he insisted on doing it so I let him just to make him happy. I watched him get out everything he needed while trying to work out what he was going to make but when he got out the chocolate chips it all made sense and like a little kid I was excited because he was making pancakes which the two of us never have even though we always have the ingredients. Once he had made the batter and was cooking them I took over the washing up because I felt like I should do something to help out, I washed up everything including the frying pan after Marc was done cooking and while I did that he put his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder pressing a couple kisses to my neck. He let go once I had finished and we sat together to eat which is another thing we don't get to do often with our schedules being so hectic that when we are there to eat at the same time it is normally rushed so to be able to have a meal together with no rush is just so nice. 

After breakfast there wasn't anything we had to be doing but the two of us are so used to always being out or having something to do so the two of us decided to go for a walk and take Alex's dogs with us because we love them both. The two of us changed into clothes appropriate for our walk and made our way to Alex's place to collect the dogs who were more than excited to see us and get out for a walk plus it was nice to see Alex because although Marc sees a lot of him I don't and the two of us get along really well. The walk continued but now we each had one hand full with a dog lead and with the others we held hands as we walked through the town and to the mountains which is where we usually walk because it's quieter plus the scenery is just beautiful. Today the sun was shining overhead creating a nice warmth and wonderful lighting to show off the trees and little flowers around, nature is something I've always loved and has always calmed me so being out with Marc and Stich and Shira is really enjoyable. 

We walked up the mountain for quite a while stopping on occasion to just look at the scenery plus Marc took a few pictures mostly of me when I wasn't looking but he's so bad at keeping things from me that he had to show me them, he's also weirdly good at taking pictures in fact I don't think he's ever taken a bad picture of me unintentionally. Eventually when we decided to head back the dogs dragged us along wanting to get back to Alex but they are only small so we had it under control but it was funny to see them so excited and running round like little rockets when they got in the house as if they hadn't just been on a long walk. Marc and I made our way back home and to the comforts of the sofa under a warm blanket with the tv playing our favourite show we have watched about a million times. He decided to lay down and brought me with him so that I was laying on his chest and he decided to stroke my hair which made me very sleepy to the point that I couldn't keep my eyes open so I closed them to nap on Marc's chest. 


Marc's POV 

I watched y/n fall asleep slowly laying on my chest I knew it was going to happen from the minute we laid down together but it was kind of my plan because she just seemed so tired and I wanted her to get some rest seeing as we have nothing else to be doing. She's been doing so much recently even though she would never admit that she's tired I know deep down she's exhausted so anytime I can spend just laying here with her I would jump at the chance. The tv show we were watching continued to play in the background with no one paying attention to it because all I was doing was watching y/n sleep and trying out different hairstyles on her that she would never do usually just for fun. 

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