Alex Marquez- Team member

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No one prepares you for just how overwhelming it is when you go into your first job after graduating from university and believe me it is very overwhelming especially when you go right into one of the jobs you dreamed about having since you were little. That is exactly what I have done, I worked tirelessly for years to get my engineering degree focusing heavily on motorbikes and have managed to get myself a job in the MotoGP paddock as an engineer for LCR Honda which is a dream come true. I've always loved motorbikes and MotoGP so being able to work there is just so cool and feels like all the effort I put in to do well was worth it. 

I arrived at the track yesterday and since then I don't think I've stopped for more than 5 minutes at once as I have had meetings to go to about plans and other things I don't understand because its not my department. There has also been a lot of induction type things to do like working with the other engineers so that they can explain exact things that I need to know about the bike that are different to the others I've worked on before. It's crazy to think that it's only Thursday and no one has been out on track yet and I'm already so busy while also kind of not having done a whole lot I mean I haven't even met who I'm working for yet which should happen today. 

My alarm went off at 5:30 am which was not fun at all and I wished I hadn't set it then although I will be thanking myself later when I get a head start on my work and aren't in a rush by 6:30. All of my team clothes were hanging up in my small closet in the hotel everyone was staying at staring at me putting a smile on my face. I got ready and took a picture to send to my parents back home because I know they would have loved to be here for my first proper day and see me in my uniform. We were meant to have a team breakfast all together but that didn't go to plan and not that many people went because everyone was busy with something but I got to meet a few more people all of them being older than me and men, that is the one thing I don't like about this job is that I feel like I don't fit in as everyone else is an older man. 

Everyone left to make their way to the track which is when I realised that getting there for me was going to be an issue because I don't have a car nor can I speak good enough Spanish to communicate with a taxi driver plus they wouldn't be allowed into the circuit anyway. I attempted to text some of the people I have met to see if they could help me but all of them had left which wasn't helpful but eventually my team boss told me he had asked someone to meet me in the lobby which I thanked him for. I waited in the lobby looking out for someone until a guy came through and started walking towards me, for a moment I couldn't see his face but as soon as I did I recognised him right away. It was Alex Marquez like the actual Alex Marquez the guy I have been watching race and been a fan of for years and thats when it hit me that I would be working for him which was just so weird to think about. He took me right out of my thoughts by talking to me. 

"Are you y/n?" He asked 

"Yes I am" I replied 

"I'm Alex although I imagine you probably know that already but you're the new engineer right" he checked 

"Yeah thats me sorry about all this I don't have my car with me and everyone else left" I apologised 

"No need to worry I've been meaning to introduce myself anyway" he said 

We got in his car and right away he started asking questions about me to get to know me better and was even very complimentary about how well I must be doing to get the job I have at such a young age which felt so nice to hear it kind of made me feel like I belonged a bit more. He was so nice to me which I knew he would be but the thing with famous people is you never know if they will act like they do on camera in real life but he definitely does he may even be nicer in person than he's comes across online. 

Once we got to the circuit he dropped me off by the garage so that I could start working but not before giving me a hug to say goodbye and I got to thank him for the ride for the millionth time. I can't lie there was a slight blush on my face when I entered the garage and I knew this because there was a mirror on the wall and I saw myself in it quickly before I walked away not wanting to acknowledge the fact that I was crushing slightly on the guy I pretty much work for. It is such a me thing to do to develop a crush on someone after knowing them for a day but this time it's a bit worse because technically I do work for Alex and although he isn't my boss it feels wrong to like him in that way. 

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