Fabio Quartararo- Fight

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When I started dating Fabio I knew exactly what I was signing up for and he had made sure a million times that I would be ok with him being away a lot and him having to do a lot of training and I was fine with it because I knew that's what his job entailed and I wanted to be with him. Little did I know that it would get to the point that even when we live together I would see him for just 15 minutes a day at times, he is always gone by the time I get up and gets back after I've gone to bed no matter how late I try and stay up just to see him. It's getting to the point that I'm worried we can't go on like this because I'm just so lonely here all on my own doing things like making dinner wondering if I should make it just for myself or be hopeful and make it for me and Fabio. My family are starting to notice how miserable I am and are trying to find out whats wrong but I refuse to tell them because they'll only say I need to break up with him which I don't want to do because I love Fabio I really do and I want to make it work. 

For a while I've been giving Fabio the benefit of the doubt assuming that he really was just busy because it was the end of the season but now that its the off season I thought he would be around a little more but I was wrong if anything he's around less which makes no sense to me. I've given Fabio plenty of chance to even show signs that he will be around more but its just not happened and I said to myself that if it didn't I would talk to Fabio which I'm really nervous to do because I can just tell it's going to cause an argument. The two of us don't argue often but I'm just convinced that he will get mad at me for being clingy or something even though thats not what I'm going for I just want to spend a little more time with him even if its just having dinner together or waking up at the same time. 

This morning I heard the front door close at around 7:30 just as I was waking up despite it being a Saturday which is usually when he will leave at least a bit later and I get a glimpse of him in the morning. Instead I just laid in looking at the ceiling wondering when things got to this point and why I let it get this far because doing so I've just dug myself a deeper and deeper hole instead of just trying to fix it when I noticed the pattern. Just as I was about to get up my phone dinged with a text from Tom checking in on me which he does every now and then especially since I don't really see him anymore, I think he knows there is something off between me and Fabio but he obviously doesn't want to get involved which I understand but it is nice for him to check on me which is more than Fabio does at the moment. 

Walking out into the living room the entire house was dark and cold which made the thought of facing the day even harder but I know there is jobs to do around the house so I forced myself to get ready and try and just keep myself busy so I don't think about having to confront Fabio later. My plan didn't really work as no matter what I did all that was going through my head was what Fabio might say and none of the things that come to mind are good in any way, all I can see happening is a fight or us breaking up which I really don't want in fact I think I'll hate myself for a long time if that happens because Fabio really is the guy I want to be with for the rest of my life. All of my worrying made the chores take so much longer than they normally would because I found myself just standing around thinking instead of doing the task I had started. 

For the rest of the day I tried to keep myself busy by finding literally anything to do which included getting a ladder and cleaning the outside of the windows which Fabio promised he would do which of course he hasn't seeing as he hasn't been here to do it. Sadly it got to a point when I just couldn't do anymore jobs because the sun set and it became pitch black which meant I just had to sit and wait how ever many hours it would be until Fabio got home which could be anywhere from 2 or 3 to 5 or 6 hours which is a long wait when you're already so anxious. All day I've been looking at his Instagram story of him having fun while I'm sat at home on the verge of tears all day but what hurt the most was seeing him at a club with a bunch of other girls and I know he would never cheat and thats not what I'm so upset about its the fact that I could have easily gone with him but no he's chosen to go alone. 

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