Fabio Quartararo- Dream come true

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A/n: my requests are open so if you have any comment them here or message me 

From just a few months into our relationship me and Fabio have talked about having kids but it was always at some point in the future but a few months ago we decided that we were ready to start trying seeing as we had been together for a few years and wouldn't want to create a family with anyone other than each other. We have been trying for a few months but this is the first time I've actually experienced any symptoms so I'm going to take a test in hopes that my dream of having a family of my own will have come true. I have been waiting to take the test so that Fabio is home because he has been away all weekend at a race and there was no way I was going to do this without him especially if I am pregnant I would never want him to miss out on finding out with me. 

When we woke up Fabio was so excited and wanted me to do the test right away but I didn't have one so we needed to go to the store which he insisted we do as soon as I woke up and it took some convincing for him to allow me to get ready before we left but eventually he gave in and we left literally 10 minutes later than we would of. I've never seen him as impatient in the whole time we have been together as he has been as soon as we got to the store, he dragged me up and down the isles getting everything we needed as well as the test and practically ran back to the car after we checked out. Once we arrived home he pushed me to the bathroom and gave me the test which I had to laugh about for a moment before actually taking the test because he seems to be more excited than I am. Doing the test didn't take long but we had to wait 5 minutes for the result which was excruciating and each second felt like an eternity and Fabio's impatience made it even worse, he was pacing back and forth for a while before giving up on that and playing with my hair instead which he likes to do sometimes. 

The timer went off and thats when the nerves kicked in for both of us and after all this time waiting to know neither of us actually wanted to look but in the end we agreed to go together. He took my hand and we walked into the bathroom together where I grabbed the test over the little window that would tell us the result waiting a moment before I took my hand off of it. As soon as we looked all I could do was smile because it was positive which meant me and Fabio were finally going to have the family we had been talking about for years. His reaction was slightly less reserved as he picked me up and spun me around which was fun but really didn't help the nausea I've been feeling over the past week or so. 

"I can't believe it you're actually pregnant we're actually going to have a family of our own" he said 

"I know I can't believe it either but can you please stop spinning it's making me feel very sick" I said 

"Oh yeah sorry I'm just so over the moon right now" he apologised putting me down 

He really was excited I could tell by the tears welling up in his eyes threatening it spill down his face although there was already tears running down mine. It's the most emotional I've seen him in a long time and he tried to hide it by pulling me into a hug but I could still hear him sniffle and felt the tears falling from his face onto my shoulder. The hug lasted a very long time before he finally let go and we actually left the bathroom to sit down on the sofa together and just take a minute to relax for the first time today. As we sat down his hands went straight to my stomach where he left them as well as rubbing them along my nonexistent bump which will only grow over the next few months which is a strange thought. While sat there we talked about how excited we were and we shared the different things we were slightly nervous about but overall we were just so over the moon. 


Being so heavily pregnant isn't very much fun especially when every weekend you have to sit in a car for hours on end to travel to a different country which is what me and Fabio have been doing just incase I go into labour which is looking more and more likely every weekend. Before it was more of a precaution but now that my due date has come and gone it is looking quite likely that this baby will be born while we are in Aragon. So just like every Wednesday we packed up pretty much the whole house into the car because there was so many baby things we needed in fact the car seat has been installed for almost a month now which is kind of odd when you think about it. Once the car was packed it was time to start the drive which is always my least favourite part because by the time we arrive every part of my body hurts which usually happens by the end of the day anyway but I'm usually in more pain after a long car journey. 

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