Joan Mir- Disappointment

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A/n: this part is based on the 2021 second Misano race

This weekend was supposed to be fun and enjoyable but so far its been anything but. I have been looking forward to this weekend and getting to finally go to a race in person for the first time in a couple months but it's turned out not to be a good idea. Joan has been really struggling on the bike this weekend and can't seem to get his set up right which isn't helping with the mental side of things which I know he has also been struggling with all weekend. It has been really hard watching him get so annoyed with himself as he puts all the blame on himself and then just feels bad for the rest of the day which makes it difficult to spend all night with him as he just doesn't want to talk. 

Things haven't got much better today as he is going to have to go through q1 if he wants to get on the front rows of the grid which has everyone in the garage upset me included but it only got worse when Joan pulled up in the garage and threw his gloves on the side while shaking his head. Usually I would talk to him when he first gets back to the garage even after a bad session but today it looked like he needed some time to cool off and talk to the team before I try and cheer him up with whatever I come up with by looking at exactly how he's feeling. Watching from a distance I could see the frustration on his face as his crew chief tried to talk though the session with him as well as the plan for qualifying to try and get him the best grid position possible which he didn't want to hear but it had to happen. 

His crew left him after their talk and he sat there for a moment before I walked over to talk to him but before I could say anything he got up grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his motorhome. When we got there he shut the door more gently than I expected before putting his arms around me and put his head in my neck sighing slightly and pulling me even closer. Eventually he pulled away and we sat on the sofa where he vented all his frustrations to me which I gladly let him do as all weekend he's been bottling his feelings which doesn't make anything better plus that's what I'm here for I mean what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't listen to his woes. I tried to offer advice to the best of my abilities based on the things I've learnt in my years with Joan but also gave him some comfort which seemed to help a little bit as I saw a small smile appear across his face when I made a joke to distract him. 

Fp4 came and went way too quickly meaning it was time for qualifying and I had just a minute to give Joan a pep talk before he went out, we do this every weekend even when I'm not there as I always call him before a session to wish him luck as well as provide some motivation. This weekend he needs it more than ever so I knelt down in front of him with my hands on his face getting him to look in my eyes as I spoke to him. 

"You've got this remember what we talked about earlier you just need to do your best and whatever happens happens as long as you know you put everything in no more can be done but I believe in you I've watched you do harder things than this a million times there is no reason you shouldn't believe in yourself" I encouraged 

He said nothing just nodded and kissed me before putting on his helmet and getting on his bike and speeding out the garage. Everyone in the garage was watching the screens as qualifying went on and of course I was too but I was also so incredibly nervous to the point that I had my knees up and kept looking through my hands so that I didn't have to look directly at the screen. Things weren't going well either which made it even harder to watch and it was almost like I could feel his pain and frustration as each lap went by and the time didn't improve. My eyes were closed when I heard a sigh around the garage and before even looking I knew that he hadn't made it through to q2. What I didn't expect was for him to be 8th in the session which means he's 18th on the grid, seeing it just broke my heart because I knew he would be super upset with himself and really nervous for the race tomorrow which has never ended well on the day. 

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