Fabio Quartararo- It's over...or is it?

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I've spent the last few months trying to avoid the paddock at all costs because I don't think I can handle seeing Fabio just yet. The two of us dated for about a year and a half and everything was wonderful we rarely fought, we always communicated with each other and we loved each other. That's why when we came to the decision that it would be best for us and our careers if we separated it was really hard. Not a day had gone by since where I haven't thought about Fabio. I think about him when I make his favourite food, I think about him when I got to bed as I miss having him next to me and I think about him whenever I do something at work as I know how proud he would be. 

My attempt to avoid the paddock has lasted only 2 months as not only does my work want me to go and interview some of the younger riders to write about the future of the sport but while with Fabio I became super close with Tony Arbolino and he's been begging me to come to a race since the breakup. For a while I kept saying no but now the time has come where I can't avoid it anymore which is why I'm sat in my hotel room thinking about how this weekend it's going to go and how I'm going to react if I see Fabio. Every possible scenario has run through my mind along with some very unrealistic ones but in each scenario all I can see is it being very awkward and then me crying afterwards which is exactly why I haven't wanted to go. 

As much as I really don't want to I know I have to as I have to work and plus Tony is meeting me in the paddock and I don't want to let him down. Tony knows all about the breakup as he is friends with the both of us so he promised me that he would help me keep my distance from Fabio which I appreciate as for me it's just too soon to be talking to him. Knowing I have someone to talk to and to help me avoid Fabio is making me feel a bit better but I'm still incredibly nervous. On the short walk to the paddock from my hotel I got even more nervous as in the back of my mind I knew at any moment I could see Fabio and have to face the feelings I've been suppressing for the last few months. 

When I actually got into the paddock I somehow felt a bit better as Tony was right by the entrance to greet me and as we walked to his garage I could see him keeping an eye out for Fabio which I really appreciated. We made it to his garage safely and he showed me his bike and everything as he joined a new team this season. I enjoyed listening to him telling me everything and it was useful as I have interviews with some moto2 guys later today so having a bit more knowledge will be helpful. Eventually it was time for him to go out on track so I stayed in his garage to watch the session which I haven't done very often as when I was with Fabio he often had to be other places during moto2 or I was having to work so it was nice to actually watch the moto2 bikes out there. 

After the session I spoke to Tony for a minute before I had to go to my first interview which I was about to walk to by myself but Tony joined me to keep an eye out which he didn't need to do but I still appreciated it. As its been a while since I've done any in person interviews I was worried that it would be awkward but it actually went really well and I got a lot of information to use. The rest of my day was spent doing much the same as I was either doing an interview or with Tony so I didn't even catch a glimpse of Fabio all day which was a relief although part of me wishes that I could talk to him again and maybe get back together. 


So far this weekend has actually been really good and I've rediscovered my love for MotoGP which I kind of lost when Fabio and I broke up and I didn't watch the first few races of the season. It has been so nice being back in the paddock and getting to say hi to all the people I haven't talked to in ages as I really did miss all the friends I made. Being here with Tony has also been a lot of fun as I've been able to watch a lot more moto2 and he has introduced me to some other riders who I have been talking to as well. I haven't seen Fabio all weekend either which has been a huge relief especially knowing that today is the last day and after that I won't have to come to a race for probably a few months which will probably be enough time for me to feel comfortable seeing Fabio.  

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