Jorge Martin- Winter wonderland

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Finally after what has been the longest week of work where everything has just gone wrong it is finally the holidays and I get a short break for Christmas. This break couldn't have come at a better time because I just really need a reset after this week and some time to relax will definitely help me get back on track. Today has really been the cherry on top of an awful week with the entire system breaking down and ruining all the work I had been doing for the rest of the week so arriving home and seeing the lights on meaning Jorge was home made me feel the slightest bit better. I opened the door and before I could even take my shoes off he was right there giving me a hug and kiss as well as taking my things off of me to put them away, it was like he knew I'd had a hard day without me even telling him.

"Close your eyes I have a surprise for you" he said when he had put my coat away for me

"Please don't let me walk into a wall like last time" I begged

"I promise I won't let that happen again" he assured me

The last time he had a surprise for me he forgot I couldn't see and let me walk into the corner of a wall which hurt quite a lot. I really had no idea what he could possibly surprise me with seeing as Christmas is in a few days but knowing him it's probably something for the two of us to enjoy together like a movie set up on the living room floor which he did one time before and it was so fun. Something fun is really what I need right about now even if its a simple dinner together I will take it I just want to take my mind off of everything but him. We walked through what felt like the entire house before he stopped and told me I could open my eyes.

When my eyes opened in front of me was two suitcases two pairs of skis which for a minute really confused me but as soon as he handed me a plane ticket to Italy it all made more sense. You see one day the other week I mentioned wanting to try skiing one day because I had never been before when we were talking about things we had always wanted to try so he must have decided to book a skiing trip for the both of us. He explained that we were leaving in the morning and would be there until the new year and just as I was about to tell him I had to go back to work in between Christmas and new year he said he had talked to my boss and managed to get me those days off. All I could do was thank him a million times because not only did he allow for me to try something I've always wanted to try he managed to get me a proper break from work which is what I need more than anything at the moment.

He gave me a hug before leaving to let me get changed and it gave me a chance to put all of his Christmas presents in my suitcase as well as my clothes without him seeing, he had made the whole process a lot easier as well by making piles of hoodies and stuff for me so I could just pack them. I swear that guy is really such a sweetheart he always seems to know when I have had a bad day and need a bit of support and he never fails to give me that even when he's away from home. Once I had changed into comfier clothes I made my way back to the living room to see that he had prepared dinner for the both of us which happened to be my favourite meal.

"Thank you Jorge I really needed this today" I said

"I know I can tell you've had a hard week but let's just relax all evening to take your mind off it" he said

We sat down to eat at our dining table which we don't often do together because of our schedules so it was nice just to eat dinner together but it was made even better by the fact that he had lit candles as if we were at some fancy restaurant and not sat in our home in sweats. Over dinner we discussed our days and he let me rant about everything that went wrong just to get it off my chest which is what I really needed especially since the events of the week have just been building up and making me just feel awful. Once I had got my frustrations out he distracted me from it by telling me about what he did and also about some of the things he had planned for while we were in Italy which all sound so much fun. He seemed to have really thought about everything and any question I had he had an answer to which had me slightly more relaxed because sometimes he isn't the best at planning things last minute but he seems to have done pretty well this time.

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