Pedro Acosta- When did things change

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It's Saturday night which means me and my friends are going out. Since it was my birthday in the week all of us are finally of age so the whole friend group is going out together for the first time. I have been looking forward to this day for a while as I alway see my friends going out and having fun while I'm left at home but now I can finally join them. Seeing as it will be my first time joining them all I wanted to look good so I went out with a few of my girl friends to pick out an outfit earlier which I've just put on after getting out the shower. The outfit was a dress which wasn't too over the top but it hugged my body in all the right places and I felt amazing in it which is what I wanted. Of course I had to do my hair and makeup all nice as well which took a very long time but by the end I have to say I looked good. I don't have the highest self esteem so for me to actually feel good must mean I actually look good or at least I hope that's what it means. 

Once I was fully ready to go I text my friends as we were supposed to all go together in a taxi so that we could all drink but none of them were replying. I left it a few more minutes before just deciding to give up and just get a taxi by myself. I know it's the smartest idea but I didn't really have another option unless I wanted to wait who knows how long for my friends to reply. While in the taxi I kept texting my friends but they never replied and hadn't even read the messages which I'm hoping means they are already at the club because I don't really want to be there all alone. 

When I got inside the club I looked around to see if I recognised any of my friends which was not easy with the amount of people but eventually I saw the one person I didn't want to see Pedro. Pedro and I have never got along we first met when we were younger when he used to race against my brother and while he was always nice to everyone else he was always mean to me. That didn't change as we grew up in fact we started to hate each other more as he didn't stop with the annoying comments and I got tried of just taking it so I started giving him the same energy right back. Even when Pedro and some of his friends became part of my friend group things didn't change we just continued to ignore each other no matter how many times our friends tried to get us to like each other. On a few occasions they have tried tricking us into spending time together alone to work out our differences but it has never worked if we fall for it in the first place. 

As much as I didn't want to spend any time with Pedro I assumed that some of the others would be around somewhere or would come over when they got here so I fought my way through the crowd of people until I was stood next to Pedro. Instead of saying hi like any normal person would do he just rolled his eyes at my presence but I just smiled back as I want to have a good time and it's not worth ruining my night by fighting with him. We stood next to each other on our phones not talking for a good 10 minutes before we both looked up at the same time realising that our friends weren't coming. For once instead of being mad at Pedro I was more angry at our friends as this was supposed to be a fun night out for all of us but instead they used it as an opportunity to try and fix my relationship with Pedro which definitely isn't going to happen when I'm already angry. 

"They've set us up again haven't they" Pedro said 

"Yep I can't believe they chose tonight of all times to do this" I said 

"Believe me when they finally answer they won't be doing this again" he said clearly just as mad as me 

"Great well I'm off to the bar you aren't going to ruin my night" I said walking away 

The situation wasn't going to ruin my night so I went to the bar and had a few drinks but not too much as I still need to have my wits about me as clearly I might as well be here in my own. After a few drinks I was feeling much happier and decided to head to the dance floor to enjoy myself as that's what I wanted to do tonight. While dancing I met a few girls who I used to go to school with so we all chatted and caught up while we danced. After a while I completely forgot about how my own so called friends ditched me and was just having fun which is all I wanted not all of this stupid drama. 

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