Fabio Quartararo- Gasly sister

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A/n: I'm well aware that Monaco was the same weekend as Mugello but let's just ignore that fact 

This will have two parts and the second part will be out in the next few days 

Monaco is such a beautiful country and I love going there to see friends and to get away from home for a bit but somehow I have never been to the Monaco Grand Prix despite my brother having been in f1 since 2018. This year however I'm finally going to go and experience everything that people rave about for myself and I couldn't be more excited as it has been on my bucket list since Pierre started racing seriously and finally after all these years I get to tick it off. Other than university another main reason I've never been to the Monaco gp is because Pierre didn't want me going as he thought I was too young to be involved in all the parties seeing as I haven't long turned 21. As much as it was annoying at the time having heard stories about all the parties I understand his reasoning and honestly I agree that I probably wouldn't have coped well but this year I have really learned to handle myself and am not afraid to stand up to people which I think is why a Pierre is happy for me to go. 

Since Monaco is just after Barcelona Pierre told me he was going to fly to Nice and then go on to Monaco and seeing as I live not too far he asked if I wanted to meet him and go together which is exactly what we did. We then spent a few days together in Monaco and then went to Cannes together which was so nice as we barely get to spend time together despite being super close as children and still being very close now. The biggest problem is that neither of us have time anymore as he's always away racing and I have been in university and have now got a job which is quite demanding but I always wish we could see more of each other so to get to be together for a few days was great. Over our few days in Monaco we have spent a lot of time on the water on a boat whether it be just us or with Charles and other friends and the rest of my time has been spent exploring by myself as I have only been to very specific parts of the country. 

As much as the past few days have been fun now that it's Friday I'm even more excited as today is the start of track action which is always my favourite part of going to race weekends no matter how exciting the parties and everything seem I still have a passion for racing even if I don't race myself. Having grown up with racing being a big part of family life it is just part of my blood and although the thought of getting in a car myself is terrifying I will never get over the adrenaline rush of watching others race. My love of racing has also made me get into other forms of motorsport too like f2 and f3 as well as motogp, it also helps that Pierre is friends with loads of people so we have watched many races in those disciplines together. 

I got to the track early as over time I have learnt it is best to try and arrive before the rush of people trying to get in and before there is loads of media about. Arriving early also means that I have time to talk with friends before I go to watch from the garage so I texted Charlotte to find out where she was but as soon as I did she walked over and brought me to the Ferrari hospitality with her so we could catch up. The two of us have been friends for a few years now but we don't get to see each other in person that often so whenever we do we like to spend some time catching up on life. Charlotte is great but every time I see her she tries to set me up with someone and most of the time I don't let her do it as the one time I did the date was awful. However today she has been going on and on about one of Pierre's friends she knows is coming to the race and telling me how we would be perfect for each other despite knowing Pierre would never let me date one of his friends. Just to shut her up I promised I would at least try and talk to the guy as there is no harm in getting to know someone plus that way it doesn't have to go anywhere if I don't want it to. 

Before long practice was due to start and so I ran off to the Alpha Tauri garage to make sure I could wish Pierre good luck before the session as its something we have always done since we were kids whenever I'm at his races. Just as I made it to the garage Pierre was putting his helmet on but he stopped when he noticed me and we did our usual routine where I wish him luck and we did our handshake we have had since I was little before he actually put his helmet on and got ready to get in the car. Practice still hadn't officially started when I saw someone walk past me and wish Pierre luck before coming to sit next to me on the seats in the back corner of the garage. Only when he sat down did I get a look at the guys face and I almost choked on the water  I was drinking he was that attractive but I got myself together and swallowed my water while looking out the side of my eyes to study the guys face a little more. After a few seconds it hit me that this was the friend Charlotte was on about and it all made sense as to why she thought I'd like him because he really is my type. 

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