Marc Marquez- Date night

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The last few weeks Marc has been quite busy with training and races but finally he has a weekend off and last night when he got home he promised me that we would spend all weekend together. He told me this morning when we woke up that he cancelled all of his training so that we had all day to spend together without any interruptions which was enough for me to settle back in next to him and go back to bed for a bit. Usually on a weekend I end up waking up incredibly early to see Marc before he leaves for training or to watch practices when he's at races so getting to just lay with Marc in bed is all I want on a Saturday morning. The both of us were definitely wide awake because of our usual schedule but nonetheless we stayed in bed with his arm wrapped around my waist and my head rested on his chest while the tv was playing a show in the background that neither of us were really watching. 

We stayed in bed for a little while as the sun rose and began to shine through the small gap in the curtains which made us get up as it was right in our eyes but Marc barely let go of me for more than a minute. As soon as I was up his arms went back around my waist from behind and we walked around the house like that which became difficult when we got to the stairs but he had that covered and just picked me up only putting me down once we reach the kitchen. He let go and made some breakfast for the two of us which I did help with for a little bit but he stopped me from helping and instead he made me sit down and wait for him to finish which didn't take long. While we ate we had some music playing through the speaker we have had for ages but we don't use very often as whenever we are sat down its either not for very long or we end up watching tv together. A long time ago Marc made a playlist of songs that we both loved or reminded us of each other which I used to listen to when he was away a lot but its been while since I put it on but thats the playlist that he started to play through the speakers and it brought back so many memories of the time when we first got together. Listening to all the songs reminded me of time together or certain race weekends that I didn't go to when I would have music on while the race was in the background. 

The music was on for a while before one particular song came on that instantly made memories flood back for the two of us from the time when we first even met as it was at an event that was playing the song at the time and somehow years later we managed to find it and it's become one of our favourite songs to listen to. Marc offered me his hand as he got up which I accepted and he dragged me out to the space next to the sofa where he let go of my hand and put his hands on my waist, we swayed back and forth to the song and I put my arms around his neck resting my head on his chest listening to the calming beating of his heart. We danced together to a few songs which I don't think we've ever done before but it was quite enjoyable and we weren't half bad I really expected both of us to be awful and uncoordinated but we weren't. 

Seeing as apparently we are doing things we don't usually do today we decided to use our pool which often goes unused as we are just too busy and any time we swim its at the beach. The two of us went to change into our swimsuits and Marc of course had to help me pick one because there is certain bikinis that he loves on me which of course he picked one of, I put the swimsuit on but put a shirt over the top just to annoy him a little bit because I couldn't just give him what he wants right away otherwise what would the point be. By the time I was ready he was already in the water leaning against the side waiting for me, the look on his face when I walked out with a shirt on really was priceless. 

"Come on take that shirt off" he encouraged 

"What if I don't want to" I tested 

"If this is your way of saying you're insecure you really shouldn't be you look stunning always and I know you will look beautiful in that swimsuit thats why I picked it" he complimented 

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