Pecco Bagnaia- First win

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I'm sat in the airport with headphones in watching fp3 because I don't want to miss anything despite my flight boarding in about 20 minutes. I would have loved to be there to watch it in person along with Friday practices but it just wasn't possible for me to get that day off work but luckily I don't have to work this weekend so I can go to Aragon to actually watch the race and possibly qualifying if all goes well. The best part is Pecco has no idea that I'm going because I wasn't meant to be able to go as I was meant to be covering for someone but luckily someone else covered for them instead. I'm so excited to surprise him when I get there because he has surprised me so many times whether it is at work to bring me lunch or trips places when he isn't racing and for once I get to surprise him. 

My flight was called to board just before fp3 ended which I was kind of sad about because I won't get to see the end times but I do get to be there in person to experience the rest so I guess that makes up for it. I sat on the plane with headphones in even though I would have to take them out when we take off it kept me calm and not thinking about the man fast asleep in the seat next to me snoring incredibly loudly. Just as I was about to turn my phone off for the flight my mum text wishing me a safe flight so I quickly text her back before actually shutting my phone off and looking at my lock screen before it disappeared. My lock screen is a picture of me and Pecco from his first ever MotoGP race with his arm around my waist as he kissed my cheek, it wasn't the best photo we have together but it's one of my favourites because it wasn't staged he just kind of did it and someone else took the picture that's what made it special. 


The flight landed and I got a taxi to the circuit because there was a short drive from the airport but by the time I got there I was beyond excited because I've missed Pecco these past few weeks because he's been so busy at weekends and I've been working the ones he's not which means I haven't seen much of him at all. Getting to spend the weekend together despite the racing sounds like a dream come true. Once I arrived at the circuit one of Pecco's team came to meet me to give me my pass and walk back to the pit box with me, along the way he mentioned how excited Pecco would be to see me because apparently he really missed not having me around yesterday and this morning which only made me more excited to see him. 

When we got there he was busy with interviews so wasn't around which gave me a chance to get settled before heading to the pit box to greet him. I attempted to put away all of my things and tidy the motorhome for Pecco but my mind was so distracted that I kind of made more of a mess which I will have to tidy later but for now I just want to see him. My phone dinged with a text telling me and Pecco was on his way back so I made my way to the door by the pit boxes where the guys would come to first before going in.

Typically Jack came back first but he shot me a smile and motioned to say Pecco was coming and with that he came around the corner but he was talking to someone so not looking in my direction, he came closer and said goodbye to the person he was talking to and turned round to see me standing there. The look on his face is probably the best thing I've seen in a while he had such a big smile on his face and a shine in his eyes that only comes out when he is at his happiest. He ran right over to me and picked me up squeezing me so tightly as he rocked side to side, once he let me down he pulled down my mask and his to kiss my lips and the tip of my nose before putting my mask back gently. 

"What are you doing here I thought you had to cover" he questioned 

"Someone else offered to do it so I decided to come out here and watch you race" I explained 

"You have no idea how happy I am that you're here I was really missing you" he said 

"Well I missed you too but I'm here now so no need to miss me" I laughed 

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