54. | The Sunrise and the Sunset

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I walk into Nik's office

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I walk into Nik's office. "Hey, have you guys heard from Grace at all?"

"No. But we heard from Lilly." Alex answers.

"Why don't you sound happy?" I look between the three.

"They were ambushed." My heart drops. "Did she call you?" He looks at me.

"I don't know. My phone died."

Nik sighs. "Get your phone." I nod and leave to grab it, despising how far my room is. I grab my phone from the charger, the screen black. I carry it back and hand it to Nik. He plugs it into a charger as I sit down, my leg bouncing.

We wait for it to charge some, which, thankfully, doesn't take long.

He turns it on, then we wait again. I lean forward, resting my elbows on my thighs as I place my hands against my mouth.

I can't sit still.

Nik presses something on my phone, then he presses a voicemail. Her voice plays, full of fear, "Killian, something happened. I can't use my magic; it-it won't work. They're here for me. I need you to pick up the phone. Please. Please, pick up the phone. Don't ignore me, please. They're in danger. Lilly and Ari, so please—"

My head falls in my hands. She sounds so desperate. She needed me, and I wasn't there. Damn it, I'm such an idiot.

"Always keep your phone charged." Nik would reprimand, but he doesn't.

He plays the next one: "Killian, answer the phone! I can't fight them." There are gunshots in the background as she yelps, her breathing panting. "These aren't normal people. These are trained. I can't fight trained. Not without my magic. Not without the upper hand. I need you to answer me, Killian!" She suddenly shrieks,"No! No, let go! Let go of me! Let—" Her words come out muffled as she fights.

She suddenly grows quiet and the voicemail ends. Immediately, I wanna throw up. But then, "Thank you, again. Monsters like her shouldn't be out in the world." I recognize that voice.

"Of course. It's what we're here for. Let us know if you find any other strange occurrences. We'll take them off your hands. We plan to rid the world of these—" The line cuts.

"What is he talking about?" I immediately speak, pointing at my phone. I'm on my feet. "Strange occurrences? Rid the world of what?"

"I think she was right." Nik murmurs thoughtfully.

"Right? Right about what? What was it?"

"They were trained."

"Trained? Trained in what?" Alex stands beside me.

"There are special places that are hidden. They're created for creatures like us." Nik explains.

"So, basically like hospitals." Santiago speaks.

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