73. | Wolfie

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The minute I saw my body, I knew something was wrong

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The minute I saw my body, I knew something was wrong. Because I wasn't in it.

"You can't seem to stay alive, can you?" I spin around at the voice, a familiar brunette standing with her arms crossed. But there's a smile on her face.

"Allie." I whisper.

"Didn't expect to see me again, now did you?" She smirks, holding her arms out. I run to her, wrapping my arms around her small frame. She laughs but hugs me back. "Lovely to see you, too."

I pull back, my hands on her upper arms. "How are you here?" She raises a brow. "How am I here?" I step back, looking down at my body.

"You're in limbo." I look up at her. "Your soul has been disconnected from your body."

"Like a telephone line?"

"You could think of it that way, yes." She nods. "When that thing left your body, it knocked your soul out of place, and we need to figure out how to get it back in place." She explains.

"How do we do that?" She opened her mouth to answer, but she disappeared. I look around, standing inside the living room of the Shiovani mansion. My body lays on the couch and in the dining room, Ari, Oliver, and Angel sit. Their mouths move, but I can't hear anything they're saying.

Aletheia appears and Angel springs from her chair. A guy appears behind them, dressed in fancy clothing. He leans over me, reaching toward me. I appear beside him and grab his wrist. He winces in pain, pulls away, then moves to lean against the wall, pretending as if nothing happened.

I can tell by Angel's expression that she is not happy to see him.

Allison appears, flickering and glitching. "You need someone to throw you back. You won't make it back if you try."

"But who?"

"I don't know. You need to find someone who can, for once, give you a good push." Her words turn glitchy, and I can barely understand them.

"What's happening to you?"

"Something's—" Her words turn too glitchy for me to understand, and her flickering is almost flashing.


"Keeping. Me. Away!" She yells. I reach for her, but she disappears.

I brush my fingers through my hair. If she can't do it, I'll need one of them. But how do I get them to notice me?

I attempt to grab a picture frame on the mantel, above the fireplace. It's me and Oliver, I realize. The picture that Lilly took.

My hand goes through it.

"Come on." I whisper to myself. I walk and try to grab another picture, this one of Lilly and Ari, both smiling at the camera.

My hand goes through it.

One of the Last | Book 3 | ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin