GangsterDaddy ❌

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This is my interview with GangsterDaddy

They have 1.32k followers at the moment and 14 published works including their newest book Money, Money, Money which is a Frerard and Typical which is another Frerard that has 5k reads.

1. You have been on this site for almost four years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

Yes, I have been writing the whole time! I just never got sick of it, and I find that now that I'm actually better at it, it's become a lot more enjoyable for me since other people can enjoy it too now that my grammar/spelling is fine.

2. You have also done some cowriting. Do you find that to be better than writing on your own?

I do enjoy cowriting a lot, but I also enjoy writing by myself equally. I like writing with someone else because I'm much more spurred on to write it, and the presence of another person makes me more determined to start and actually finish something and to update and write on time. But I like writing by myself because I don't need to make any compromises. Any idea I have is good and I don't need to run it by someone. Although I tend to have a lot of ideas, I'm not a very motivated person, so I guess cowriting works a bit better for me, but writing solo has a lot of freedom.

3. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

Oh man, I read so much, you have no idea. I am constantly exploring the fanbase and seeing new faces enter and seeing what more it has to offer with each passing day and it's really inspiring to see that and realize I'm part of it.

4. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

To be honest, I don't usually tend to listen to music while writing because it distracts me a lot. But when I do it's either my "late night music" playlist (the 1975, violent soho, bastille, bad suns, heads of charm) or lately, I've been listening to deadmau5, mostly stuff without any singing in it. It's the actual vocal tracks that usually distract me so his music works well for me to write to.

5. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

If you mean like an OC, then I'll have to say that I really don't write with OC's anymore. I haven't tried to in quite a while but when I do it usually doesn't work out. I'm not good at sticking with the character traits that I've chosen for my character and that's why fanfiction works well for me. I can't really make big changes to the character traits because the character isn't my OC, isn't someone I feel I can play with a lot. Usually when I'm writing with an already existing character, what I do is that I take a personality trait that I feel this person already has and magnify it to suit the character that I want this person to be for this book.

6. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

This is a bit embarrassing. Back in early 2015 when I first got into MCR, I was a sucker for Gerard Way x OC stories. They're all I would read. And then I think at some point I was recommended (by Wattpad) a Frerard fic. I gave it a read and saw what it was about and then I got to researching more about the whole Frerard thing and digging myself into a hole that I'm still stuck inside.

7. Why did you first decide to start writing?

It was actually because I was bullied for my poor use of the English language at school. Back then (considering I had been speaking Greek my whole life), I couldn't speak English well at all. I thought cinema was spelled with an S. Which, you know, makes sense, but some kids just didn't let me catch a break about it. So I thought, enough is enough, and I started writing a lot. I don't remember how, but I stumbled across Wattpad and fanfiction and thought it was the perfect way for me to get my creativity and ideas out, all the while getting better at speaking English. Sucks to be my bullies, I got higher test scores than them within a year.

8. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

What I'll say for this is to definitely go with the newest book I have out. I feel like although I've written a lot of stuff I'm proud of, my quality of work just keeps getting better with each new thing I post. So whenever you stumble across my profile, read the newest thing I have posted, whatever that may be.

9. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

I'll be honest, although I bash Wattpad quite a bit, I don't think there's a lot of things I'd change about it. I'd want the messaging to get better and I'd want actual notifications for when people leave comments on my stuff. I'd probably want for them to stop recommending One Direction to me. I'd want to be able to dedicate chapters to people on a mobile device. That's about it, however.

10. Has your experience with Wattpad helped you grow or change at all as a person?

I feel like obviously I have grown and changed a lot as a person the past four years and I don't know how much of it can be credited to this website but I'm sure it's had a big impact on me. I mean, I can't imagine my life without it.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely GangsterDaddy

Update: GansterDaddy has left Wattpad and deleted their account.

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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