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This is my interview with joshramsayvevo

They have 653 followers at the moment and 7 published works including Ground Control which is a Peter Parker fic and debauchery which is a Gawsten with 21k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I don't remember why I decided to make my Wattpad account sksksk. I think it was because my friends were going on and on about a fic they were in love with and I was just like "okay, what platform?"

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I like reading on this site too! I think the layout as far as the personal library and the chapters are pretty clean.

3. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

Sorta?? Question mark?? I have certain playlists in mind for readers to listen along to as they're reading. Sometimes I'll turn those on whilst writing, but more often than not I can focus more if there's silence.

4. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

I mean the only qualms I have about Wattpad is that one time it deleted all my works !! No warnings, and I have no idea why !! The other thing is it's a pain to find my profile on the mobile app.

5. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

I get my inspiration mainly from my grandparents !! They're both authors/editors. While I mostly absolutely cannot show them what I've written, the fact that they bring it up and ask about my writings is heartwarming. I also get a little bit of inspiration from milkcartonangel, shout-out !!

6. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

The hardest part of writing for me would be getting through the hard content. Creating in general is hard when I create to let out pent up feelings you know?? It kind of forces me to really marinate (ew but that's the best wording I can come up with sksk) in what's making me feel bad. It's a vicious cycle between wanting to write through my shiz, but my shiz is too much for me to get through in order to write.

7. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I kinda love all my characters, fam !! Given they're not like oc's, but...I love them. If I had to choose ONE, then probably Peter Parker from my MCU story.

8. Any advice for someone new to Wattpad who is considering starting their own book?

My advice directly to new writers - backup your stuff !! Anywhere and anyhow you can. It's better to be safe than sorry. Also don't be afraid to reach out to those you know who might know grammar and spelling a little bit more than you do. I do all the time!

9. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

A future goal would be to finish a dang project sksks !! For all the years I've been writing, I've never actually finished one of my bigger projects. I'm almost through with one though, so hopefully that future is the near future !!

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

My best moment on Wattpad so far would probably, admittedly, the reads that debauchery got. I never would have thought that so many people would take interest in what I write, and to have continued interest after reading the first chapter.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely joshramsayvevo

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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