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This is my interview with DoctorGay

They have 4.19 followers at the moment and 12 published works including Tarnished Love which is a Frerard and Artistic Fingers which is a Frerard with 104k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I made my very first Wattpad account all those years ago to write Black Veil Brides fanfiction, believe it or not. I think it was my best friend who recommended the site to me, but I can't remember for sure. The username definitely had the name 'Jinxx' in it and it still makes me cringe to this day.

2. At one point you had decided to leave this account. What made you come back?

Honestly, I missed it. I haven't listened to either Frank or Gerard for over a year, but I found myself constantly creating characters for them in my head and putting them into different scenarios that would work well as fanfiction.

There were a few times when I wanted to come back but I knew I had to focus on doing well in school. Now, I'm able to fit both in and I'm so glad to be back.

3. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

This is something I ask myself a lot, but really I just get my inspiration from everywhere. I might see a couple on the street and think they have an interesting backstory, so I'll create it with my characters.

A lot of it is real life stuff too. If someone has anxiety or depression in any of my books, I try to draw from myself to make the character more believable. It also comes from the people around me and how I perceive them.

4. What did it feel like to hit 4k followers?

It was pretty awesome. I only write on here for fun and I never expected to get a lot of reads or followers. It's incredibly humbling and makes me feel really special. Everyone hits points where they feel like they're no good at what they're doing, but when I see the followers that I have, it gives me a little boost to believe in myself again.

5. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I think my favourite character would have to be Frank in 'Artistic Fingers'. That was a super hard story to write, but it was mostly because of how much I fell in love with Frank's character and I didn't want it to end.

I also love Frank in 'Control', which shows that I just really like writing submissive, awkward Frank.

6. What do you think about the new Wattapad premium?

I think it's a really great idea for the authors who are getting paid for their stories and I'm glad that Wattpad decided to do it. It doesn't affect me negatively because I don't actually read stories on Wattpad and so I don't come across the ads myself.

7. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Way too many. I've had a plan to do a transgender fic for years and I tried it a couple of times before deleting it, but I know it's one that I will eventually get around to. I just hold it so close to my heart that I always feel like I'm not doing it justice.

Besides that, I have a few stories planned that stick to my usual theme; dark, smut and angst. But I think that's my trademark at this point.

8. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

I put my personal life first always. I will never sit down to write if I don't have other things sorted first. Keeping up with school work is easy for me because I love studying, so I usually have a lot of free time to write.

I also use it as an outlet when I feel down, so the writing actually helps me to deal with my personal life at times.

9. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

I would love to get a book published in the future; it's one of my main aspirations. I would love to go into the LGBT+ category and target teenagers, but I think I could get really into sci-fi too.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Meeting my best friends. I've had so many amazing experiences on this site, but nothing compares to meeting two of my friends; Sadiya and Meg. Neither of them uses this site anymore, but we still talk and I've met them in real life too, which was unbelievable. I wouldn't have had that experience if it wasn't for my stories.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely DoctorGay

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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