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This is my interview with MCRmyKilljoy13

They have 50 followers at the moment and 7 published works including The Three Girls Trilogy and an art book.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

My friend brought it up and so I decided to search it up one day. I ended up finding MCR fics and I've been here ever since because of that.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I do write sometimes but I mostly read.

3. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

My favorite is probably Alyssa in my current book I'm working on.

4. You also post your art on here. Do you like writing or drawing more?

Drawing is more of a "hmm I'm bored" thing and if I make something I like, I'll post it. I've always had a small passion for writing so it's an "ooh I like this" kind of thing.

5. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

I have this one list on my computer with like, 97 songs on it and I listen to it all the time.

6. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

I don't know if I'm being honest. I've always just liked making up things with my big imagination.

7. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

Use of emojis.

8. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Just writing and putting them up for show, nothing like big publishing style.

9. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

Not really. I just like to write and it's nice having an audience and having something to do with it.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Making friends and writing mostly.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely MCRmyKilljoy13

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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