frnklyiero ❌

183 17 75

This is my interview with frnklyiero

They have 651 followers at the moment and 6 published works including Special FX which is a Ryden and T-Shirt which is a Ryden with 110k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

Actually, I used to write 5SOS fanfics on my old account because I was a huge fan of them. I had a Michael Clifford fanfic that was gaining attention. The reason why I changed to the account I'm currently using is a bit hard to explain but I'll try my best.

It was in mid-2016 when I got really fed up with the drama going on within the fandom and I wasn't in the best state of mind back then. It was at that point when I started getting into the alternative rock genre and found other great bands that I wished I'd known sooner. Anyway, we all know how a person gets sucked into a fandom and that was what happened to me.

Back then, my old account was established as a 5SOS fanfic account and there was this Michael Clifford fanfic that was gaining attention. Once I finished writing it, I thought, "Alrighty, I'll start posting a new non-5SOS fanfic here."

It didn't stay on my page for long because my Michael fanfic overshadowed it. I felt bad for the new fanfic so I made a separate account (the one I'm using now) and moved it there. The new fanfic didn't stay up long again because I realized it wasn't planned properly so I took it down - yikes!

2. You mostly write Ryden, so how did you first get into that ship?

The funny thing here is that I didn't ship them when I started on my first story on this account which is T-Shirt. I was a huge supporter of Peterick back then but the idea I had for this story didn't match with either any of the possible personalities for Pete nor Patrick I thought of in my head.

Also, I was new to the P!ATD fandom at that time too so I didn't know much about the other band members besides Brendon and only found about them after watching one too many band-crack videos and letting curiosity make me look the band up. Because of that, I found out about Ryden but it was mostly because the videos always made fun of the milk fic.

In a way, Ryden was experimental to me so I didn't think much out of it in the beginning. But I had to do research about Ryan and Brendon to get an idea of what they were like so the possible outcomes for me was either me still being neutral about Ryden or immersing myself in the ship that it'd be so difficult to get me out of it - y'all can guess what happened anyway.

3. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

To be honest, I really don't. But if there was a book I would not recommend reading late at night, especially at 2am, would be T-Shirt. Seriously, just don't.

There's this common fandom perception that if there's a fanfic written about a particular ship, there has to be a happy fluffy ending for them or something similar to that. The only spoiler I'll be giving for now is that T-Shirt's ending doesn't fit that mold and that fact pisses some people off.

I do receive comments and PMs asking for an explanation or complaints that reading the fic was a waste of their time and their willpower to stay up and read because it didn't end the way they expected it to.

4. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I really love doing both! But these days I barely have time to get things done so I stick to writing because I've made it a habit to update my books weekly. But if I had time, I'd binge-read every book in my library.

5. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Wow, I don't know how to answer this because I love each and every character I write about.

But if you were to ask which character I'd write about all over again, it would probably be Frank from Sketch or Patrick from Polaroids for now. The reason I said this is because both characters struggle between being who they are expected to be and following their heart, which is something I relate to.

6. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

That it has to be edited. I like to get things done the first time around and I get super lazy to recheck. So I always make sure I suppress my habit of making typos and make sure everything is correct and in order as I write.

Other than that, it's outlining a story. I always start off with a scene and then I build a vague plot around it but it never gets to the point where I have to sit down and write what happens for each chapter in my notebook - which I know I should probably be doing so that it'll be easier for me to bounce back from a writer's block.

However, I do write my ideas in my notebook but it's weird how I can still pick up from all the jumbled notes I made.

7. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

Nah. I'm just really grateful to be where I am right now.

8. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

I feel attacked by this question. No, seriously.

I'm not the kind of person who follows a routine religiously. I can't even post according to my update schedule anymore because I have too much schoolwork to do - which I never get around to doing because I'm procrastinating most of the time. But there are just these certain periods of the day when I have a burst of motivation to get stuff done - it can be anything, not just writing - and once I set my mind on it, it's really hard to get me to stop.

That's why I have difficulty prioritizing and it frustrates me a lot when I realize this. Because of this, I have poor time management so I end up complaining more and doing things last minute rather than learning from my mistakes.

But going back to your question, it's really hard to explain how I 'juggle' writing and personal life because I really don't know how.

9. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Yes, I do! I have a bunch of stories in my drafts that I plan on publishing once I complete Sketch and Polaroids. There's 5 of them waiting in my drafts but I might have to post them one by one. Or not.

But yeah, I'm really stoked about them.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

The first thing that popped into my mind was meeting my really awesome friends here - who are the best people I've met so far. I really wanna mention them all here but then I might be dragging on this interview so I'll be sure to tag them in the inline comments.

Also, it's gotta be that feeling when you finish writing a chapter and going like "okay, I deserve a whole pizza to myself for the effort," because that shit is hard - or maybe it's just me?

Last but not least is that moment when you know people appreciate your stories. It's one of the most rewarding feelings in the world because you've put in so much effort into doing what you love and it's paying off.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely frnklyiero

Update: franklyiero has deleted their account.

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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