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This is my interview with Depressedonetime

They have 616 followers at the moment and 20 published works including Fake Love which is a Frerard and Collared which is a Frerard with 18k reads.

1. You have been on this site for a year according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

I think I started writing in September. I have since taken down my first book because it's a train wreck and I wasn't as good at writing as I am now. I still love writing! It's a good outlet for all my creative fantasies and I'm always working on improving my skills.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I love reading on here! There are some amazing books and oneshots, and I love discovering them. I actually read a forty chapter book in 3 hours once, which I think is a record.

3. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I think my favorite character was Frank in a short story I did called Fake Love. I think I captured the "flirty little shit" energy really well, and I really don't know if anything I write will ever top that.

4. Why did you first decide to start writing?

I've been writing since I was little. I'm not exactly sure when I started, but I have vivid memories of reading a story I wrote to my class in second grade (it was about a unicorn and his best human friend fighting evil, I think). Once I actually got the, you know, skills to write, I started working on original stories. One of them I remember writing was a rip off of Harry Potter. I think I actually asked my mom for a Wattpad account when I was a little younger, because I'd finished writing a story that I actually still have. I'm pretty proud of finishing it, but I feel like it could definitely be improved upon. I actually signed up for Wattpad so I could read a fic, because it wouldn't let me proceed, and somehow, I ended up here.

5. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. I remember getting into My Chem really at a summer camp where I met a bunch of people who had the same taste in music as me. They encouraged me to listen to MCR, and it kind of evolved from there. I think my friend Summer was the one who told me about Frerard (and also played Destroya out loud in front of a bunch of little kids). I'm on Pinterest, too, and the emos on there are surprisingly high in number, so I have a lot of pins about my chemical romance and Frerard in general saved. I'm pretty sure I'm a cryptid on Pinterest, I'm everywhere haha.

6. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

Everywhere. I can't even try to narrow it down to one thing. A lot of things I come up with based on random memories I had, like a story I never published called Just Imagine It. Frank was a magician in that one, which came from a vague memory of seeing a magician every year in elementary school.

7. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

I'm not super up to date with Wattpad, since I don't have the app. I use it online, usually on mobile. That said, I wish there was a way to check my messages on mobile online. It's tedious having to open my computer and sign in and everything.

8. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Probably an unhealthy amount. As I mentioned, I get inspiration from almost everything. I'm rewriting an old book right now, so for some reason, my brain had taken that as the go-ahead to come up with every plot possible and also fix everything I've ever written, which is super inconvenient, but hey, it's working. I have three stories I haven't started working on, but I have basic plots for all three in my notes.

9. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

I don't think so. I'm just here to write stories and make friends, so there's not all that much to achieve. I'm a little tiny bit (a lot) of an attention whore, so seeing people reading my stories is cool, but I don't really ask for much. I'm easy to please.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

I think it was when I met my friends. I've made some of the best friends I've ever had on here, and I couldn't ask for anything more. They're all amazing, kind people, and I love them all so much. It's also really fun to make people laugh with random lines I write, so that's always fun.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely Depressedonetime

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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