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This is my interview with tragician_child

They have 6.78k followers at the moment and 33 published works including Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner which is a multiship and Guilt Tripping which is a Frerard with 477k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

Why? Oh well I think I've said this before, either on my youtube channel (I can't even call it that I've done, like, two videos on it) where I explained it, or in the other interview I did with DoctorGay.

I had loved My Chem for years growing up, my mom was always a huge fan of them so they were always around and then I grew out of them for maybe a couple years or so for some insane reason, I liked them up until the eighth grade and then just faded out.

And then I was in eleventh grade and I had started picking up on them again and I was just googling Gerard with red hair because somehow (idfk) I had only recently discovered any other album besides Black Parade and the red hair was like seeing God for the first time.

So I was googling him and all and I found this fanfic called My Only by ALiteralPieceOfTrash. And it's not even Frerard, it was about Gerard as a groupie and ugh it still has a place in my heart.

Anywhore, I read through that and it sucked me in and I was on Wattpad and downloaded the app and it literally blew my mind that there was this entire community of My Chem shit that I was oblivious about and well, here I fucking am. I made the account back then just to read shit.

Also, on a random note, I did ask people ages ago what my old username before tragician_child was and no one knew lol. If anyone cares my username was (and prepare for ultimate cringe) MCRdreamchild_1096. I know. I know.

2. What did it feel like to hit 6k followers?

Holy crap, hitting my first 30 followers had my uterus weeping for a solid five minutes. Hitting 6K was an amazing and humbling thing for me. I worked hard to get where I am, I mean getting that many followers and reads isn't an easy thing at all. And I was proud of myself that my hard work and ass-kissing had paid off.

Every new follower I get makes me smile and I would follow each one of them if Wattpad didn't have a 1K follow limit that I've already used up.

I am so utterly and completely grateful for having so many followers on here, like, I have a family. I have my close family and my weird and wacky distant relatives and those floaters that come by every now and again to borrow a cuppa sugar (y'know what I mean?).

It's just amazing to be able to have so many people take the time out of their day to follow me. Six thousand is 0.0008% of the world's population. That sounds like a lot to me, tbh and that took me about a half an hour to figure out with a calculator.

3. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

A recommendation of my own work? Oh jeez um...well it would depend on what they're there for. I mean if they're one of those late night smut prowlers I'd go for Animals or my oneshots. If they want fluff I'd go for Stitches. If they want something of substance I'd go with either Take Me Away or something along those lines. If they're looking for soul destroying but funny and cringey and fluffy and weird all at the same time I'd go for Guilt Tripping although again that isn't for a first timer who doesn't know me yet or it's sort of sequel that's a prequel for the real sequel Scar Tissue which doesn't get the love it deserves...

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