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This is my interview with zeppelinspaced

They have 722 followers at the moment and 12 published works including Torn Up Throats which is a Frerard and Slim which is another Frerard that has 31k reads.

1. You have been on this site for two years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

Yeah, but I've been on Wattpad longer than that. I made this account (zeppelinspaced) two years ago, but I've been on Wattpad for about four years now, I had another account where I wrote stuff I still cringe over to this day. However, when I got into reading Frerard I made this account seeing as I wanted a new start.

I can't say I've written the entire time I've been here, but I do still enjoy it as much.

I only write when I feel like writing though and lately I have not written that much seeing as school and other things I have to do after leaves me drained.

I was able to write so much more when I first started because I had much more time to do so. I wish I had more time to be honest, everything seems so hectic at the moment.

2. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

When I first made a Wattpad account it was because I wanted to read something and the only way to read it was making an account. Afterwards I just left Wattpad for a while since I had discovered other writing sites such as DeviantArt and Quotev, besides I had no idea how Wattpad worked, the site was so confusing for me at that time.

I returned though, but only to publish something I'd already written and left again until my little sister made a Wattpad account and told me about it. So I started to write cringey kpop and anime fics until I discovered Frerard and made this account <3

3. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

Yeah of course I do! I mean there's so many good stories and fantastic authors on this site. However, I read more on ao3 to be honest seeing as there's a completely different community there.

4. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

Well I have been a fan of MCR since I was like 10/11 years old and I did what other 11-year-old kids without money nor job would have done: I went to my local library and borrowed all of their MCR CD's.

So I watched Life on the Murder Scene (even though I didn't understand one word seeing as I was like 10 years old) and when I saw that part where Bert and Gerard smooched in front of so many cameras I was like; huh...and I didn't think more of it.

As I grew I started to watch anime and I fell into the manga/anime and kpop fandom, and this made me forget about MCR. I only listened to kpop and cringey anime songs and jrock, jfc I still cringe so much just by thinking of it, and it wasn't until I was 14 I started listening to MCR again.

At that time I'd already written fanfiction involving kpop band members and anime characters, so thinking rule 34, if it exists there's porn of it – I thought someone definitely ships Gerard with someone in the band. I went straight to google and confirmed my theory.

5. If you could be one of the characters you have written for a day who would you choose and why?

Oh jesus, man I have written and planned so many characters that it's almost impossible to choose, but most likely I'd like to be (under the sea) Frank from my mutant!verse oneshots. I mean to be able to have four arms and three eyes would be kind of really freaking cool, well, in my eyes that is.

6. Do you have any difficulties writing numerous stories at once?

Holy hell, where to start, I mean for me it's hard. I have currently about ten (plus/minus) stories published and none of them are completed.

I'm that kind of person who get multiple ideas and thinks they would all make amazing stories (well not all of them seeing as I'm afraid to write the ideas I think people would have a negative reaction towards, for example I really want to bring back the 2005-2010 fanfictions and write a dom/fertile vampire story) and writes a prologue plus the first chapter and then hit the publish button.

I haven't even planned half of the plot before I publish the stories which makes them hard to continue on and it's so easy to get writers block because of it.

Also seeing as some of my fics are more popular than others, the more popular ones need to be updated regularly. Sometimes writing for a chapter on for example "Slim" feels more of a duty than me having fun and relaxing by writing. And of course there's also the question of which one of the fics you want to update.

7. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

Yeah I love making playlists, especially in hope of one day being able to create one where I don't skip a song. I have iTunes downloaded on my laptop and it's where I have all of my downloaded music. I also use Spotify, but I don't have premium so...

However, I'm not that creative when it comes to playlists and naming them, so my current writing playlist is just being called writing^2.

8. Do you enjoy writing oneshots or full length fics more?

I think I enjoy writing full length fics more because then I can let the characters develop through the story in a more natural way compared to a rushed way in my oneshots.

Of course I do enjoy writing cute oneshots, but I'm not the one with patience enough for a oneshot that's 10k words long.

In chaptered fics you can also 'torture' the readers much more than in a oneshot, not sadistically meant, but it's so fun to see how much the readers are interested in your story and to see them conspire together.

9. If you could go back in time and do something differently on Wattpad what would it be?

I'm actually not sure, I'm pretty content with what I've done with this user. Perhaps slapping myself for thinking "-mansontrasaF" was a cool username.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

The best moment(s) have probably been when I befriended all of the amazing people I talk to, when I saw how fast in popularity "Slim" grew and when I ranked #2 in raughy's fanfiction awards in the category Frerard.

Thank you for this interview <3

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely zeppelinspaced

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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