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This is my interview with Ryanbottoms

They have 160 followers at the moment and 7 published works including Boy Of The Ball which is a Ryden and Boarding School which is a Ryden with 937 reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I made my account 3 years ago (give or take) and honestly, I have no clue what my purpose for it was.

I wrote back then too, as an outlet, but not fanfiction, so I think I stumbled across the site and thought it would be cool to use.

I've deleted all my extremely old books and such, which sucks because I would LOVE to read them.

2. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

I read. A lot. Not even just fanfiction, but I read from lots of different authors and I've always been that weird kid who was reading a book in class or at lunch instead of talking.

I'd say I get my inspiration from lots of different literature but a lot of scenes in books and fics are based off real life actions and events that have happened to me, good or bad.

3. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

It would be really cool if there were more opportunities to get reads and votes? Maybe competitions held by Wattpad?

I know there's The Wattys and there are competitions held by other accounts, but those are really hard to enter in and there's a lot of strict rules and for smaller fandoms/ships it's impossible to win any fanfiction awards.

Either that or paid promotion which would be interesting to see. But overall I really love Wattpad and don't want a whole lot changed.

4. You mostly write Ryden, so how did you first get into that ship?

When I first got into the band, I had NO CLUE who Ryan Ross was, nor did I care about him or the first two albums. Eventually I started listening to Fever and Pretty Odd, and then I started to wonder about why the lyrics were so different, and why there were two men singing in some of the songs, so I started to dig around the bands history, and the second you start to do that, there are tons of old photos and theories.

I honestly think I thought they were cute together BEFORE I knew it was a ship. I just started to dedicate more and more of my time to it, and then it just kind of took over my life, haha.

5. Do you have any other ships you enjoy but haven't written about yet?

I'm not one of those people who ship people together much, but I've always thought Frerard was adorable. I love reading the stories about them, although I'm uncertain about writing them just because it's very far out of my comfort zone. Maybe one day?

6. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

I get writers block, or I lose motivation sometimes, which is always challenging. But I try and treat writing as a hobby rather than something I NEED to do, which helps. I genuinely enjoy doing it, but sometimes I take little mental health breaks, because I need them.

7. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Hmm. Probably either Brendon in my fic Boy Of The Ball or Spencer in my fic Boarding School. Brendon because his character is in this big forbidden love, and you can tell that he's head over heels for Ryan but can't be with him, which drives him crazy, and I sympathize. It's not fun to have feelings for someone who you can't have. Not only that, but he feels very committed to his duty and is just a very conflicted character and I wanna hug him and say that everything will be alright.

Spencer because he's very cynical but has a sense of humor about everything, even about Brendon's sexuality, which he isn't the most supportive of. And I feel like those are good traits (or ones I appreciate, at least.)

8. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

Getting a book published would be phenomenal. I would never want a fic published (á lá Anna Green) just because I would live in constant fear of Brendon/Ryan/Sarah/Zack/any past or present member of Panic! finding the fic and reading it.

I've tried my hand at writing actual stories, and while they're all either drafts or on Google Docs, I would love to focus on them and try for publishing them one day.

I don't think I'd like to write as a job though, it's a crazy competitive field and not the most secure way to make a living.

9. If you could go back in time and do something differently on Wattpad what would it be?

My first fanfiction ever was Brendon Urie x Original Character. It had a good plot, and could have been really great, but I unpublished it because towards the middle I rushed it and changed the plot and it got really messed up.

Some of the canon facts about the characters got changed halfway through and Brendon's character in particular did a lot of random, unpredictable things that made no sense. I should have updated more slowly and not rushed things because it turned out really bad.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Probably getting 1K reads on said fic. I unpublished it now, but man, it felt really good.

Either that or hitting 100 followers, which was cool. I know I don't have a bunch of readers on my stuff, but I do try hard, and I think I'm pretty good at writing, so it made me feel validated.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely Ryanbottoms

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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