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This is my interview with thanksfrank

They have 477 followers at the moment and 4 published works including Message Unseen which is a multiship and Before Killing Was Cool which is a Frerard with 141k reads.

1. You have been on this site for seven years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

I'd say I was a lurker and reader for a couple of years before I posted anything. Since about 2015 I've been writing consistently switching between Wattpad and AO3 - I still love it but definitely the fandoms I've been interested in writing about have changed a lot.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I read a little bit, usually I'll get invested in a really long book or a particular author I like and read all of their stuff. I was a big reader when I was younger and have been trying to get into OC paperbacks lately as well as fanfiction on Wattpad. Writing is probably preferable because I can control what happens in the story and it's something I can be proud of showing the world.

3. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Probably my favourite was writing Mikey in Before Killing Was Cool... for years that book was only a main Frerard coupling with little attention on anything else until I stuck in an extra 70K words during quarantine with a lot of it revolving around Mikey. I'm not sure how well the readers enjoy my writing of his character but I put a lot of myself and my own development as a person into it so it's probably why it's so sentimental to me.

4. Why did you first decide to start writing?

I definitely had my emo phase and got really into all kinds of bands like MCR, FOB, and liked to read little AU excerpts on Tumblr when I was in school. I started off doing one shots of my own because I wanted to entertain people in the fandoms and wrote my first attempt at a 'book' when I was about 14 (which thank God is not and never will be published here).

5. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

I got into MCR around the time they broke up. I read a lot on the mychemicalromancefanfiction site. I've always found it hard to write OC or Celebrity x Reader fics so Frerard appealed because the characters were practically written for me already. Frank and Gerard were my favourites of the band. I'm not a believer that the ship was anything other than a stage act to say F you to homophobes, but it was nice to pretend and submerge myself in that world.

6. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

It changes story to story - for Before Killing Was Cool it was a mix of American Horror Story: Murder House (which makes more sense when you read the ending) and my obsession with real life cases of Stockholm Syndrome. On AO3 I write a lot of darker material inspired by my own life when I was a teenager but on Wattpad it's really just random stuff plucked from my imagination. Sometimes when I read a book I subconsciously develop the writing style for a chapter or two of my own books - chapter 16 of BKWC was heavily inspired by the beautiful descriptions of love and intimacy from The Song of Achilles, for example.

7. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

I'd like tags and filters for word counts. It's a small thing I really appreciate on other reading/writing sites. It's good you can see how many chapters a book has but it's a bit disappointing if I click on it and see each part only has fifty words each.

8. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

I need to finish the sequel to Before Killing. I'm a bit stuck with where I'm taking it and if it's going to match the length of the first book, I'll need to spit out at least another 80K words. Considering it technically took over four years to edit and finish the first one, I might be here a while. Other than that I might add the odd short story into my one shot book.

Oh and also I'd like to say that a part of the reason I haven't been updating my sequel The Famous Living Dead is because of Brendon. Alongside Gerard, he was going to be the main character of the book. I'm thinking about changing his name out and tweaking his character a bit to become someone else because I don't think I want to write him anymore in light of what's happened but I'm going to have a think about it.

9. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

I'd like to get to 200k reads on BKWC. Maybe one day I would work on my non-fanfiction writing skills and publish an OC story here and finish it. Unfortunately writing isn't part of my uni course or future career plans so I lack professional motivation but as long as I can keep writing for my own enjoyment, that's the main thing.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

When I reached 100k reads on BKWC I was so happy. Also when I reached the 'end' of Filthy Lucre which is probably my favourite ever fanfiction (originally published on LiveJournal I think but republished here?). The book was never finished but it was the longest thing I'd read at that point so I was impressed at myself for defying my notoriously short attention span.

Thank you so much for interviewing me! I've never done it before so I hope this is ok :)

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely thanksfrank

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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