TwentyOneDemonsX 💞

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This is my interview with TwentyOneDemonsX (now itizwhatitiz)

They have 388 followers at the moment and 5 published works including Jacksepticeye FF and DM's which is a Markiplier fic with 48k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I started when my friend asked me to read her book and give her my opinion.

2. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

Whenever I come up with an idea I write it down in my phone's notes app and then go on Wattpad and publish it.

3. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I prefer to read stories more than write them, a lot of the time I'll spend hours reading a story.

4. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

I usually don't listen to music when writing but when I do it's Twenty One Pilots or just some popular songs at the time.

5. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I'm making a new story soon that won't be published for a while but she will be my favorite.

6. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

I don't like when people don't put quotations when a person is talking, I will stop reading the story if it's like that.

7. Do you have a future goal you would like to reach on Wattpad?

Honestly, no. I never even planned on writing my own stories so if I get far that'll be great, if not that's okay.

8. Has your experience with Wattpad helped you grow or change at all as a person?

I've met some really good friends here and they've helped me, so if that counts than yes.

9. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

I don't, I'm very bad at writing or I forget to publish the chapter, so good job to the people that can.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

My best moment was meeting my best friend/girlfriend, she's helped me so much and I can't thank her enough :)

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely TwentyOneDemonsX

Update: TwentyOneDemonsX has changed their username they are now itizwhatitiz

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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