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This is my interview with PastelPunkPrincess

They have 1.47k followers at the moment and 17 published works including My Kitten which is a Joshler and Sex Ed which is a Frerard with 172k reads.

1. You have been on this site for two years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

Yes, I have. I remember my first story I published on Wattpad was a Joshler named The Words To Make You Stay, which is still up. I had written it for a contest, but even though I didn't get anywhere close to winning, it was worth it, because it gave me the push I needed to start writing fanfiction. It feels like forever ago, but now I write stories on here all the time, using as much of my free time as possible to plan and update.

I'd have to say I enjoy it more now than I did a year ago when I first started. There was always such a feeling of "I'm never going to be that good," or "I'm never going to get noticed." It was hard to stay motivated to write when I felt like no one would read it anyway, but I stuck with it and pushed past that part, working on making myself better, and now I love writing on here. It's my favorite part of the day, when I have free time to write.

2. What did it feel like to hit 1k followers?

Amazing! It's so great to know that so many people love my stories and my writing so much, and many of my followers are so supportive and have been with me for a while. I always get so much joy out of seeing their comments and love, for not only my books and characters, but also for me, and it's astounding.

There have been a couple times during my creative process, where things didn't turn out quite so well, but they always cheer me up and help me through it. I don't think I would be where I am as a writer without my followers.

3. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

It depends on what you're looking for personally, but for the classic style full body Frerard that everyone loves, I would suggest Sex Ed. It's witty zero-to-sixty fun, that's flirtatious and silly, but also emotional and deep. It has everything from cute sappy fluff to hot sexy smut, and the characters are wonderful. I think it really has something for everyone.

Many of my followers have commented that it made them laugh really hard and that it's their favorite story, some have even told me it's the only joy they get sometimes.

I have never been more proud of something I've written or so in love with characters I've created and the impact it's made. So, I think it's definitely a great story to start on.

4. You write both Joshler and Frerard. Do you prefer writing one ship over the other?

Unfortunately, I do. Which is probably not fair to my followers, but I love Frerard so much more.

I had started out in fanfiction with Joshler, reading an amazing story on A03 by one of my favorite authors and I loved the band a lot. I had created a few Joshler stories on here, most of them I took down, but I was never quite satisfied with any of them and the fandom was still pretty new. The top ranked Joshlers at the time were mostly just funny text au's, but I wanted something more. I wanted a story that had a deep emotional plot, with characters I could fall in love with, something more mature, well written, and moving.

Then I found Summertime by raughy, and I finally found what I was looking for, since then, I can read nothing but Frerard. I've read almost all of the top stories and even the three Joshlers I still have are multi-ship stories with Frerard in them.

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