emptyskies- 💞

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This is my interview with emptyskies- (now plebeians-)

They have 1.29k followers at the moment and 9 published works including Lostmyhead which is a Matty/George and Betrothed which is a Drarry with 21k reads.

1. Why did you first decide to start writing?

It's always been a passion of mine: writing, I mean. My grandmother was an English professor, and is a published author, and both of my parents worked a lot in journalism in their younger years, so, writing's always been a part of me.

I've always wanted to be like my grandma, and I've been writing little things since a very young age, even though most of those weren't very good, but when my cousin told me about Wattpad, I just had to take part in it.

2. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

I think you're meaning towards my account, and if you're trying to get into my books and notice my writing style, I feel that my story "Lostmyhead" or "Betrothed" might be ideal to begin with.

Also, I've been experimenting with styles a bit in some upcoming stories, so be on the lookout for those ;)

3. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

I do not like how Wattpad always seems to have a bug going on with it, ruining the experience, and how they're often under maintenance though it seems nothing is being fixed.

I also don't like how easily people are able to plagiarize works. Seriously, is it that hard to come up with your own idea??

4. What did it feel like to hit 1k followers?

It was a wild experience! Back when I still had my story "Whore" on my account - the first time - I had been gaining followers and reads rapidly, but still I never thought I'd reach as many followers as I currently have now, as I often feel my works can't honestly be that good.

5. You write about a variety of ship. Do you have a favorite one?

My favorite ship nowadays is definitely Drarry, as my friend Anni and I often share various ideas, plans, and oneshots with one another regarding the ship. Plus, there is definitely chemistry between Harry and Draco, and I refuse to believe otherwise.

J.K. Rowling even said on Pottermore: "These two Seekers spend more time seeking each other than the Snitch." And that's pretty gay.

6. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

I've got about 4 stories in my drafts I've been working on at various points, but I don't plan to post any until "Professor?" is finished.

7. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

Right now, it's actually a bit difficult. I've taken up 2 honors classes, and in my Honors Biology class, I am struggling a bit. Most days, I just want to come home and relax on Wattpad, and my grades are suffering because of it.

8. I know as an author sometimes I write a line or a paragraph that I'm especially fond of. Do you have one of those?

I feel like my story "Lostmyhead" is a very good example of something to be fond of, as its one of my first books I've written with my new writing style that I took seriously.

I often get comments at the ends of my works, in the epilogues, where I feel like one of my main talents may be the way I end stories, but I don't know.

9. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

Both, honestly. I've been writing a completely original book for a few months now, though I haven't had much progress on it, and have second-guessed myself quite a few times.

I would love to be a published author one day, and I do believe it'll happen eventually.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

In the way beginning, back in 2013, I really looked up to an account on here, and that account held the very first fanfiction I ever read, "Madness" which is a fanfiction of the band Muse, and their drummer Dominic Howard. So, it was kind of amazing when I made friends with the author of that story and helped give them ideas with the last few parts of it.

Another big moment for me was honestly when you followed me on here. It was amazing to become your friend, as your story "This Is Our Second Skin" was the first gay fanfiction I ever read, and I appreciated it greatly and really found that writing fanfiction -especially gay- was my special calling.

And finally, hitting 1k followers was important to me, as I never believed I'd make it this far.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely emptyskies-

Update: emptyskies- has changed their username they are now plebeians-

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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