TheGirlWhoDiedWolf ❌

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This is my interview with TheGirlWhoDiedWolf

They have 215 followers at the moment and 5 published works including their newest book You belong to the Night which is a Frerard and Dead in the Scene which is another Frerard that has 3k reads.

1. You mostly write Frerard, so how did you first get into that ship?

I first got into Frerard a while after I first got into MCR. I was never one for reading fanfiction, I stayed well away from it all. Like wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot-pole kinda distance away. And when I first saw the members of MCR, I thought they were fucking beautiful but at the time, this whole shipping people with each other thing wasn't a big deal to me. And then, I remember I was following this fan account on instagram and they posted screenshots of fics they were reading and it intrigued me because I'm naturally a very curious person.

So I searched it up and I don't even remember how, but I fell into the void very quickly. I researched all the Frerard masterposts and then I fell hook, line and sinker for reading stories about the ship. I don't ship them in real life, but I love reading fics about them and now, I love writing it.

What a wild journey. I now write gay smut (occasionally). Brilliant.

2. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Hmm, this one's a toughie. I guess the character I've gotten most attached to writing about would probably be Gerard from my first fic (Dead in the Scene). But if I had to pick a favourite, out of all the one's I've written so far, then it would probably be Ryan in Teach Me How to Feel because he's just adorable and sweet and lovely. Oh, and also probably Frank in my oneshot Baby, I'm Only a Voyeur for You because he is a sweet little *kinky* cupcake and I just wanna squish him.

Oh...or actually, I really did enjoy writing Gerard in my latest oneshot The Thrill of the Kill. That was a fun time because it was the first time I wrote a character like that. A gun-wielding sociopath with a gun kink. Fun times.

God, I'm indecisive as fuck.

3. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

Something that has really been grating on me about Wattpad recently is the fact that it has been glitching like a motherfucker and so notifications and things get fucked around with and it frustrates me to no end. Honestly, I am starting to lose my patience a bit, and it takes a lot to get me going lol.

I don't really have any quarrels about posting on WP other than that though. WP is pretty rad, despite its flaws. It's like a dysfunctional sibling relationship. You love it and hate it all the same but you always come back to it.

It sucks you in, like a void.

4. If you could go back in time and do something differently on Wattpad what would it be?

Something I would change would be that I would try and be more active with keeping up to date with fics. I kept doing that thing where I added stuff to my library and I was like 'yep, I'll read this' and this went on for months and months and it all piled up and now I'm in the predicament of 'there's so much in my library I wanna read but idk where the ever living fuck to start' and now it's become more difficult to try and keep up to date with stuff, even though I really really want to, because I spend a lot of time writing and if I'm not writing then I'm working on assignments and if not that, then I'm attempting to keep myself sane.

I promised myself I would read more this year, but I haven't kept up to that as much as I'd hoped I would. But I know that 100% during summer I will be free 24/7 and have no assignment stress on my head so I'll be reading a shit lot then for sure.

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