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This is my interview with colorfultyler

They have 3.39k followers at the moment and 9 published works including Au Naturel which is a Joshler and Playboy which is a Joshler with 180k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I actually made my first Wattpad account around 6th grade. You wouldn't believe it, but it was to read fanfiction from the Twilight series.

Yeah, I was pretty proud of it since it was my first book and had racked up 8k reads and 400 votes. It was a terrible book though. I created a different account (this current one) and deleted the other one.

2. What did it feel like to hit 3k followers?

It felt surreal. When I first created this account, I never thought I'd get to 1k, much less 3k. I just used it as a hobby, since writing was and still is very dear to me. It's insane that my account got this big.

3. You mostly write Joshler, so how did you first get into that ship?

By watching Twenty One Pilots crack vids. I saw a lot of void vibes' crack vids, and they mentioned Joshler once. I was so confused at first. I remember thinking, "Joshler? Is that Tyler and Josh, together?" I had already shipped gay couples before (Destiel, mostly) so it wasn't much of a shock to me.

I decided to read a fanfic or two to figure out if I liked it. The first one I read was The Married Man (I remember specifically reading it on May 1, 2016). The rest is history.

4. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

Probably either Au Naturel or Simulation 21. If you're more into humor and not-so intense books, start with Au Naturel. If you like more intense, dystopian settings, go with Simulation 21.

5. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

I don't know. It just sort of comes to me. I've never really had something that inspires me. If I'm in the mood to write, I write. If I'm not, then I don't write.

6. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

Definitely. My favorite was Gina from Playboy. She was a lot of fun to create.

7. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

When I don't have inspiration. It sucks since people tend to forget that writing can't just be done in a few seconds.

8. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

I have A LOT of plans floating around in my head, but they usually don't make it past being a draft. I do have in mind creating a fic called "The Rules", but I probably won't create it until I'm done with my 21 series.

9. Any advice for someone new to Wattpad who is considering starting their own book?

Don't think that your writing is crap. Be confident in what you create. If somebody tells you that you suck at writing, don't let it pull you down. Take it instead as "encouragement", as something to push you forward to improve.

And when your book achieves 100k reads, or 10k votes, or you get to 1k followers, you can go back to that person and shove those achievements in their face.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Probably when petewentzisdead followed me. I never got over that and probably never will. Or when I met my girlfriend, colorfuljosh. It's one of those two.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely colorfultyler

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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