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This is my interview with jinkiseok

They have 151 followers at the moment and 5 published works including Childish Heart which is a Ryden.

1. You have been on this site for three years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

I've only just recently started publishing writing. Maybe a year or so ago? I'm not sure. I haven't posted many of my stories because I haven't been writing for that long but I think posting my fics has made me more confident in my ability to write and has probably made me a better writer in a sense. So, I think I do enjoy Wattpad as much as I did the first time I joined and posted my fics.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I honestly prefer writing on here. I haven't published many stories yet obviously lmao. When I first joined, Wattpad was my go-to place to read but for some reason, I get sort of bored or lose interest or something. There are only a few stories I still read and keep up with now. It's lowkey sad lmao.

3. Do you have a favorite character you've written so far?

I love the characters in Childish Heart a lot. Especially Olly. He was/is so much fun to write and I'm not sure why lmao. Also Gabe from MIL. He was based off one of my closest friends so I think that's why he's got to be one of my favourite characters.

4. You mostly write Ryden, so how did you first get into that ship?

THROAM was the official fanfic that turned me into Ryden trash. I can't remember what exactly got me into that ship. I'm 99% sure it was 20_dollar_nosebleed's Camp that got me interested in it.

5. Do you enjoy writing oneshots or full length fics more?

I prefer full length fics. Only because they're easier to write and make up story lines for. One shots are easier to write and I can get them done quickly without having to worry about abandoning them, but full length fics are what I prefer to write.

6. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

Not exactly. Maybe fics that are over dramatic and have major plot holes. I think that's it.

7. Why did you first decide to start writing?

I've always loved writing. Originally, the idea to write stemmed from my love for reading.

But I think the reason I started writing and making it an actually hobby/something I did daily was because of a few people on here who gave me inspiration to keep writing through their own work. It was honestly a coping mechanism for my anxiety at the time too.

8. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

I currently have one in motion that I'm writing. I've posted that on AO3 and don't plan to post it here until it's finished. I've got another 2-3 in early planning stages.

9. If you could go back in time and do something differently on Wattpad what would it be?

I'm not sure. There are a lot of things I'd change about being on Wattpad. Maybe my stories themselves? I don't know.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Becoming mutuals with one of my favourite authors ;) No but it'd be that or it'd be because of Wattpad, my writing has improved a lot in 12 months and I've definitely got more confidence in my own work now. So maybe that ???

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely jinkiseok

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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