stuckyinc 💞

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This is my interview with stuckyinc (now whostolemymayonnaise)

They have 330 followers at the moment and 2 published works including something funny which is a collection of oneshots.

1. You moved to this account from your old one therevengeparade. What prompted that decision?

It wasn't an attention thing, it was literally all just for my sanity. I just got so sick of TMIABM tbh, it was boring me, and nothing I wrote from then on would be as read or as popular as that, so I knew I had to break away from it otherwise I'd fall apart lmao.

2. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I originally had just the app (back in the day) to read, an old friend of mine introduced me to it, but I'd been writing here and there and one day decided to post something - albeit shit emo het fics.

3. You used to write Frerard and Ryden, but what ships can we expect to see from you in the future?

I'm not gonna lie, I've been thinking about writing Ryden again - get back to my roots - but I'm probably going to write Kylux (Kylo and Hux from Star Wars) or Stucky (Steve and Bucky from the Captain America franchise) or even Phan if I get emo enough.

4. Do you have any regrets about changing accounts or are you content with your decision?

I'm pretty content with my decision, I mean, I would've liked to have continued on that account but I just fell out of writing, and my depression got to me and destroyed all my motivation and I felt like I needed a fresh start - so now it's like everyone's forgotten about me and I can start again, it's a good time.

5. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

Not really, sometimes I'll just listen to anything that's in my library, and if something happens to catch the right mood it'll be on repeat for about twelve years.

6. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

It was always writing that I preferred, but I have a shit-tonne of books in my library that I need to read, so maybe one day I'll go through those and actually get around to reading it all.

7. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

I don't - it's quite sad really, my personal life just took over, my mental health issues took over, and I fell apart a little bit after The Naked Truth (probably my favourite book I've ever written btw). But I think things are getting back on track now, so fingers crossed, eh?

8. Is there something you wish you could change about Wattpad besides the bugs and glitches?

The fact that TMIABM is on private still annoys me to this day, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

9. Can we expect to see anything new from you soon?

I hope so! I've been working on something that I hope is going to work out, and if I can find some time what with work and my boyfriend and my family, I'll be able to actually write. Fun fact - I had nearly 2,000 words written but I didn't like it so I got rid of most of it, though now I've had a better idea so who knows?

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Meeting all these people I still talk to, like you, Katy and Valentine mainly; you're all a big part of my writing life and there are some who don't use Wattpad anymore that I'll say hi to every now and again, it's nice. Hitting 1M reads on TMIABM was a relatively good time too I guess.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely stuckyinc

Update: stuckyinc has changed their username they are now whostolemymayonnaise and they are also active on their original account therevengeparade

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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