revengeavenue 💞

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This is my interview with revengeavenue (now daydreamsago)

They have 721 followers at the moment and 20 published works including climbing up the walls which is a Phan and timelines and sceneries with is a Frerard with 180 reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

I used to read a lot of 1D and 5SOS fics on here before I even had an account back in 2012 - 2013. One night, I decided to create an account so I could vote and comment on the stories I was reading.

2. Do you like reading on this site as well or mostly writing?

I don't read as much on here as I once did, so definitely writing. I mostly prefer AO3 for fanfiction, but I do keep up with a few poetry books here.

3. Do you have a book of yours that you would recommend for people not sure where to start?

I'm really proud of Timelines and Sceneries, which is a Frerard fic I finished back in January.

As for poetry, I'd recommend Noetic Machine. I love that book so much, and I'm honestly a little worried that I'll never write something I love as much as I love it.

4. What is the hardest part about writing for you?

Finding time, for sure. I used to have a good schedule before I graduated, but since then, I've been pretty sporadic with my writing.

I recently got a job with really weird hours (2am - 8am), so lately I've been trying to wake up at normal time on my days off to fit some writing in.

5. You write a lot of poetry. How does your writing process for poetry differ from fanfiction?

My poetry is mostly inspired by my own experiences/emotions, and my fanfiction is mostly inspired by other people's.

I have a much easier time writing poetry, since I'm always going through something that I feel I need to write about. Sometimes I incorporate aspects of my own life into my character's lives in fanfiction, if I feel that it works with the plot.

6. I know as an author sometimes I write a line or a paragraph that I'm especially fond of. Do you have one of those?

I have quite a few actually, but there's one from Timelines and Sceneries that I love a lot:

"My brain wants everything to be figured out so it can stop worrying about what life will be like in ten years or so," Frank admitted. "Time is such a weird thing, because one moment, you're young and dependent on your parents, then... boom. You're graduated and everything matters all at once. Time is consistent. It doesn't slow down, or speed up at all; our perception of it does."

7. Do you have any plans for new stories in the future?

Definitely! I have a fic I started a few months ago that never saw the light of day, and I'm considering writing the rest and posting it. I'd also like to try some original fiction sooner or later.

8. You also post your art on here. Do you like writing or drawing more?

I write a lot more than I paint, so writing. I actually haven't done a painting or anything like that in months, and I miss it. Hopefully I'll find some time soon.

9. Any advice for someone new to Wattpad who is considering starting their own book?

Don't wait and start now - if you have the time, of course. I wouldn't have written any of my works if it I didn't start somewhere.

Don't be afraid of being a bad writer, because with practice, you'll get places.

Lastly, keep everything. Even if you hate something that you've written, keep it anyway. You'll have something to look back on later.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Meeting my good friend Meranda through my poetry (SempiternalEmoSongsx). She's supported me for years now, and I don't know where I'd be without her.

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely revengeavenue

Update: revengeavenue has changed their username they are now daydreamsago

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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