02|This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

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This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

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This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

Later that night

Hope and Faith's Room

Faith's POV

Since Hope and I were roommates because we didn't fully trust anyone else we decided it was best if we shared the same room and also because Alaric thought it was best due to the fact that Hope is the person that keeps me truly calm and the fact that we are connected for some weird reason also I'm a cuddler.

I have my arm around her waist up until I feel her start to wiggle out of it and I let her go so she can get up with me joining her getting up quicker then I ever would "is everything okay" I ask tiredly but still worried she nods and give me a kiss of the forehead "yeah it's fine I'm just gonna go for a walk" she explains but I can hear her heartbeat and it slightly escalates.

Once she's walking out I mumbled with little jealously not enough for her to notice though "have fun chatting with Landon" and I see her falter in her step but keep going.

Without Hope being around I wasn't able to get any sleep so I got up and got dressed and went to the party going down in the woods because I was bored and had nothing to do.

The Woods

Once getting to the party I found it extremely boring and went off into the forest since there was nothing to do because most of my fellow peers were drunk by now and I just sat by a tree and looked at the moon since Josie was busy with the wolf boy who name I learned to be Rafael and I didn't know where Hope is, probably with Landon so this was all I could do.

While sitting there I heard a growl and saw a wolf come out and instantly recognised it as Hope due to the white/grey fur coat remembering the last time I saw her in this form properly was when she first transformed after breaking her curse and still even as a wolf she was beautiful "hey Hope" I said to the wolf and the growling instantly stop when she realised it was me and she started to cuddle up to me while I was petting her and let me tell you she wouldn't let anyone else do this so I'm pretty lucky she ain't biting my hand off right now because she would.

With her in this form I felt the need to change into my wolf-like something was pushing me to do it and a few broken bones later I felt so free just being there while Hope and I's wolf's were cuddling and nuzzling each other showing signs of affection and how much we cared about each other and just enjoying the company, honestly it's was a perfect moment until there was a crack of a stick and I saw Hope first get into a protective stance in front of me making me all warm and fuzzy inside and then ran after whoever it was making me jump back into reality and I grabbed my jacket decided to chase her.

Once getting there she was in her human form and I gave her a jacket which she thanked me for my petting me and then turned around to see none other than Landon gosh he is everywhere and always ruining the perfect moments "are you crazy I almost killed you" she yells.

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