13|Malivore Part 1

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Malivore Part 1

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Malivore Part 1

The Salvatore School

Hope and Faith's Room

Faith's POV

I open my eyes as see the best thing possible Hope my beautiful girlfriend sleeping looking so peaceful and there is nothing I have ever loved to see more "you knowing staring is rude" Hope says breaking me out of my trance opening her eyes so I can see her beautiful blue crystal eyes "I was going for more of a romantic stare but none the less good morning beautiful" I say leaning in giving her a quick kiss.

She tries to go in for more but I pull away "Noooooo come back I want more kisses" Hope says and it's weird seeing her this way but I love it "no we have things to do today you have to run Landon's supernatural test and I'm joining" I tell her while grumbling his name a bit causing Hope to laugh "you know when it comes too Landon there is nothing to worry about maybe try and get to know him your a lot alike in some departments" Hope says causing me to joke.

"Did you just compare me to Landon I don't know if I should be offended or not" I say and Hope gives a me a look and at this point I know I'll crumble "okay fine I'll get to know Landon for you" I tell her causing her to get and give me a hug and a kiss I could so get use to this every morning "okay as much as I am loving this if we continue it won't stop and we need to get ready because Ric called an emergency meeting" I told her pulling away causing her to pout but nod knowing I was right and we both got dressed and headed down getting ready for what Ric would have to say.

The Meeting Hall

Hope and I take a seat getting ready for another one of Rics long winded speeches that are actually pretty informative and helpful but still tiring none the less "given recent events some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that effect your future and I agree if you are expected to abide by this schools policy it's only fair you have a voice in how those rules are made so I am forming an honor council one vampire, one witch and one werewolf each elected by there peers along with our school conseller Emma whose vote will represent the younger students now I have to go off campus in the mean time I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely that's all your dismissed" Ric says and what did I tell you long winded.

But now that I think about it I would have loved to do that just to have a say but I'm a hybrid I'm an abomination to my kinds so I would never have the chance oh well.

I look towards Hope and see a look on her face and sigh "we're following him aren't we" I asked causing her to look at me with a smile "yep" she says causing us to get up and grab my handing pulling us away to follow Ric.

Outside Courtyard (Where Alaric's SUV is)

Once we get there we see Ric opening his door only for Hope to use her magic to close it "are you kidding me" she says and I think I'm just gonna listen unless addressed to it might be safer that way "am I under assault today" Ric says laughing "you get to interrogate a tree nymph and I have to run Landon's 23 and me" Hope says causing me to chuckle at the both of them.

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