08| What, Will, I, Have, Left Part 1

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What, Will, I, Have, Left Part 1

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What, Will, I, Have, Left Part 1

Faith's POV

Roman's Car

Hope and I were in Romans' car and honestly sitting in the back behind these two and there endless flirting was making me quite sick and the only reason I was here was to keep an eye on Roman because no matter what I had a really bad feeling about what was going to go down today but I just didn't know what would happen.

"Okay, I knew your hair had emo tendencies, but your music?" Hope questioned making me chuckle slightly but I didn't make it obvious until Hope turned to me giving me a small smile which I returned.

"Shade thrown and caught give me that, quit judging and lean in" Roman said causing Hope's attention to go back to him as he angles the phone towards them while she snatches it out of his hand's going to take the photo instead.

"No, I'll do it, Faith you want in" Hope asked me and I shook my head not wanting a photo with Roman "my mom would kill us if she knew that we were taking selfies and driving though compared to binding my werewolf side, I'd just say it's a misdemeanour" Hope says making me sigh as I still wasn't happy about Hope doing this.

"You nervous?" Roman asked Hope "my aunt Freya and Faith basically said that I'd regret it for the rest of my life and from what I've read in my dad's journals, it's horrible so, you know, actually kind of terrified" Hope admits and I reach of her hand giving it a squeeze which she returns before leaning back.

"Well, you said you feel like a freak I don't know, maybe this will help" Roman says making me scoff "she's not a freak dumbass, its pronounced miracle actually" I snarled at Roman not liking Hope and the term freak being put together.

"Still, it's... it's strange cutting out a part of yourself that you barely even know" Hope says "so you won't miss it anyway, you'll still be you" Roman says and it was so odd that he was so pro binding this added to my suspicion.

"Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm doing it" Hope said making me sigh again "you know, your mom should be proud of you" Roman said making me scoff "how would you know, you've never meet her" I told him getting slightly mad at the guy.

"That's weird, I think someone may be tracking me pull over, I-I need to be somewhere quiet" Hope says and Roman then pulls over causing Hope and I to get out and I follow her to the empty area.

"So what's the go" I asked after some time and she nodded "someone is following us, we gotta get rid of our phones" Hope said and while I felt mine in my back pocket I knew what I had to do so I felt around my pockets for a few seconds.

"I must have left mine at school" I said and Hope nodded believing me as we headed back to the car "someone's definitely tracking us I can cloak us, but... there's something else we got to do on the way" Hope says holding up her and Roman's phone.

"Where's yours" Roman asked me "turns out packing in a hurry means you end up leaving things at school" I said lying and he believed it so we were on the road again.

Shiloh Place

Hope, Roman and I had finally made it to the location of Roman's witch so this binding spell could happen even though I was still extremely reluctant.

"Well, your witch really goes for atmosphere" Hope said and I couldn't help but agree as I started to take a look around to "she's not my witch, she's just a witch I know" Roman said and I scoff "that's the same thing dude" I said rolling my eyes.

"Not your witch, got it, are you okay?" Hope asked and I looked over at Roman thinking the same thing "look, Hope you know I like you, right?" Roman said and I really didn't want to be here right now.

"Well, I didn't think you drove Faith and I all this way 'cause you hated me" Hope said smiling "it's just... there's gonna be some things I have to explain" Roman said and now I was getting even more suspicious and the bad feeling was getting stronger.

"Look, sorry, but the only thing worse than doing this is waiting to do this." Hope said and with that, we started to move forward "stop! it's spelled" Roman said knocking over some rocks making me confused he was acting like there was something to hide "you can go in" he said.

We walked in and the first thing we saw was Hayley and Hope and I went wide-eyed before running over to her "mom?" "Hayley" Hope and I said at the same time.

"Hope, Faith" Hayley said in a surprised tone clearly not expecting to see us "what is this?" Hope asked and Hayley looked behind us leaning back "you" she snarled and Hope looked back while I checked over Hayley.

The moment I heard a click and "I'm so sorry" from Roman I could feel my eyes changed and I turned around only to feel a stabbing pain in my neck and immediately felt weakened "Faith" Hope and Hayley screamed.

I fell back against the wall as I watched Roman come closer "wolfsbane, not enough for you to blackout just to weaken" Roman says and it left Hope shocked at his behaviour.

Even though my vision was back and forth I could hear perfectly "what's going on?" Hope asked pulling at her shackles "he's the one that led them to me in the church attic" Hayley said but I was confused "but how did he know" I asked groaning in pain.

"You got inside my head the first day you touched me when you tucked my hair behind my ear you were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden" Hope said figuring it all out and I was becoming very pissed off.

"Hope, look, I know this looks bad, okay? but if you just do the binding spell..." Roman says causing Hayley to speak up "binding spell? what's he talking about?" she asked "Greta said that if I-I did the binding spell, then they'd let you live" Hope admitted.

"First time Klaus stopped us but this time Hope was gonna go alone but I would let her because of him" I said looking at Roman with a glare "Greta said that?" Hayley asked us.

"I-It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids our movement is about getting the natural order back that's all my mom wants" Roman said and I growled at the new information being presented to us.

"Wait, Greta's your mom?" Hope said clearly feeling the same way "untie me, now!" Hayley yelled thrashing around "I can't ok? just do the binding spell, and you'll be fine" Roman says trying to defuse the situation but it wasn't helping.

"Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me" Hayley said still thrashing around and honestly part of me knew she was right.

Please let all of us get out in one peace

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