35|Origin Story Part 3

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Origin Story Part 3

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Origin Story Part 3

5x01 Where You Left Your Heart
5x02 One Wrong Turn On Bourbon
5x04 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The Salvatore School

8 Years later

3rd Person POV

It's been 8 years since Hope and Faith met and they were the best of friends by now as close as ever they shared a room together and more specifically a bed because they were always in each other's space but they were happy and content with it being that way. Faith and Hope has become quite protective of each other and were always there to help each other and lift one another up when they are down.

Hope had told Faith about being a Mikaelson a long time ago already feeling that ability to be able to trust her when they were young and Faith has happen to meet some of the Mikealson clan when she would go to New Orleans with Hope and her family and Klaus had only briefly met Faith because of what happened with the hallow but he definitely could see the connection between his daughter and the Armani girl.

He also knew the connection was much stronger than just friends but obviously the girls were only friends at the moment and to young to go around and form any bonds so Klaus kept quite about his observations and just let the girls bloom into what they were meant to be and allowed them to let it happen.

So here they were Hope Andrea Mikaelson and Faith Armani two 15 year old girls now when Hope told Faith about the plan to give Henry her blood she honestly thought it was the stupidest thing every but this was Hope and Faith knew there was no way of changing Hope's mind she all Hope wanted was to see her Father and in order to do so she needed money and even more money since Faith wasn't allowing her to go alone.

Truthfully Faith regardless wanted to help Hope find her Faith since Faith did remember Klaus from when she was younger to her he was a kind man and has started to become a father figure to her and the same happened with Hayley, Hayley loved Faith as a second daughter and was always going to be there for her as long as she could.

After the girls got caught and being the reason that Henry has become a hybrid there had to be serious consequences and that included both girls getting suspended and Hayley agreed to take both Hope and Faith back to New Orleans for the length of there punishment.

During the mess of heading back to New Orleans, Hayley finding out why the girls did what they did and Henry killing someone Faith and Hope has still managed to spend some time together even if it was only a little but of time but then Faith found out about Hope's new plan and what she was going to do with Hayley and Faith was completely unsure about it.

But regardless Faith agreed to help Hope with the plan if pretty much getting Henry to stick Hayley in a coffin and hide her to lure Klaus back into town and it worked up until when Klaus found out where Hayley was and why she was there.

The Mikaelson Hybrid was extremely dissapointed in both his daughter and the Armani girl who became like a second daughter but he also realised what that the bond these girls has was clearly extremely powerful and was something not to be messed with.

He could also tell the girl both didn't know about it and that they still haven't come to realise how much these girls meant to each other but even if it hasn't clicked in there head he could see it is there actions and the way they looked at each other and how close they were when they were around each other.

Most importantly he was happy that it was the Armani girl because there was no one well besides Hayley that he trusted more with his daughter than Faith and he was greatful they had met each other.

Now when Roman had turned up New Orleans Faith was not particularly happy about it she never liked the boy because she could see that he like Hope and she could see that Hope like Roman back and she hated that because let's be honest Faith was in love with Hope but it was not reciprocated and Faith wpild never tell Hope because she didnt wabt tp ruin the friendship they had.

Faith had learnt it was better to have Hope as her best friend then to take a risk and loose Hope and she was ok with that for the most part, she only wasn't ok with it when Hope dropped everything to just stare at Roman and completely forget Faith was there.

Anyway Faith didn't like him and Roman new it but he didn't care he wanted Hope and that was all that mattered but what Faith and Hope didn't know was that Roman had a plan that in all reality was going to get people hurt possibly even killed.

The day Faith and Hope were going back to to the school they saw Henry hanging from a building in New Orleans dead that night they both stood in front of Roman's car is a close embrace as Faith comforted Hope making sure she was alright because Faith already knew was Hope was going to think, she was going to think it was her fault and Faith didn't want that for Hope.

Once the girls had gone back to the school they we very unhappy with the amount of progress that was made is getting Hayley back but unfortunately they could only find so much and Freya came to Mystic Falls to check on the girl and that was what they girl had thought freya was doing but boy were they wrong.

After going to the old mill to do a spell which didn't work Freya revealed that Hope could basically destroy all of New Orleans and that cause an anger to spark in Hope and the old mill caught on fire and at that point Faith jumped right into action grabbing Hope and almost as she did the flames stopped.

Freya was amazed at how Faith could calm Hope down so easily she thought it was possibly supernatual related a nd that was when she first started to realise the kind of bond the girls hand with each other.

That night Faith was going to catch up with Hope and see how she was but when she found Hope she found her with Roman and they seemed to be having a little moment so she walked away heart broken as a single tear falls down her face and Hope happens to see her but confused as to why Hope suddenly felt the feeling of sadness wave upon her.

That night both girl were quite sad one was heartbroken and the other didn't know why.

Author's Note


This is so late but it has been a hectic 24 hours anyways I hope this was worth the wait and that you guys enjoy it!!!!

Promo all come out later and we'll be starting episode 12 tomorrow!!!!

Till next time!!

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