18|Mate Bonds and Tattoos?

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Mate Bonds and Tattoos?

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Mate Bonds and Tattoos?

The Salvatore School

Hope and Faith's Room

Faith's POV

I woke up to see Hope in front of me well her back as least and I look down and realise we are naked so everything wasn't a dream we completed the mate bond I look at her shoulder and see the bite mark I had made I wondered if this was permanent I leaned forward and kissed her shoulder and next thing I know she wakes up and turns around and kisses me "good morning" I tell her as we pull apart "good morning beautiful" she tells me.

She lifts up her arm to go caress my face but I notice a symbol on her arm almost like a tattoo "what the hell" I say causing her attention to go else where "what, what the hell" she says seeing the symbol as well.

Hope and Faith's Mate Bond Tattoo

I then look at my own arm to see the same mark and I looked closely and see a M and a A intertwined together realising it stands for Mikaelson and Armani this must have been an effect of the mate bond "okay so we have tattoos with our initials and...

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I then look at my own arm to see the same mark and I looked closely and see a M and a A intertwined together realising it stands for Mikaelson and Armani this must have been an effect of the mate bond "okay so we have tattoos with our initials and bite marks on our shoulders that haven't healed" I say causing Hope to look at her shoulder to see the bite mark I gave her and I get out of bed and put a top on getting slightly dressed and pass Hope a shirt so we weren't completely naked anymore just incase someone walked in.

"It has to do with the with the mate bond and completing it" I say before going to our book shelf grabbing a book about the mate bond "Faith what are you doing" Hope asked me and I started walking to her sitting down next to her "here it is 'once the mate bond is complete mates will be able to feel every single emotion as if they were feeling that emotion along with that of one of the mates get hurt the other mate would get the smell wound and feel that pain" I paused realising that we would know what each other would feel and when we were hurt.

"Um also after the bond is complete the mates would get two marks one being the bite from the bond and another that will appear after which is a a mark that will involve the mates initials and the mark will be there forever if these marks do not stay or appear then the mates are not really mates" I finished reading off smiling a bit because I realised that once and for all we actually are mates "should we talk to Dr Saltzman" Hope asked me making me think about it and it is probabaly better that we go to him so I nodded and we got dress before walking hand in hand to Ric's office.

Alaric's Office

We walk up to his door and I knock on it and hear a 'come in' opening it letting Hope walk in first and me following in after "ah Hope, Faith what can I do for you today" he asked us "well Ric we need your insight, more so some confirmation on what we've read and it's much easier to show you then explain" I tell him causing him to nod as if saying proceed and Hope and I look at each other before lifting up out sleeves showing the tattoo and then showing our bites on our shoulders and once Ric look at both it was like recognition flowed through his eyes.

"You completed the bond didn't you" Ric asked us and we nodded knowing there was no point in hiding even though it was awkward as hell for me at least "So you know what that means right" he asked us and Hope and I looked at each other almost having a silent conversation where I agreeded to do the talking "kind of we've read the book you gave me and that now we are fully connected but we were hoping you can confirm that" I told him Hope nodding in agreement "I'm defiantly not an expert in this topic but that book that I gave you is what you need to follow it gives you all the details but I can confirm you guys are connected like no other couple around here it's a special one and you'll feel everything the other one feels sometimes it'll be amplified depending on how you feel it's almost like a signal say your mate needs you so be careful with each other you're now each others main priority" Ric tells us in a long winded speech.

"Doesn't really change we were always each other number one priority now it's just amplified, thanks Dr Saltzman we'll see you later" Hope says speaking up and I nod in appreciation which he returns and Hope and I walked out into the hallway.


I stopped Hope before we went any further "are you ok with all of this" I asked her worried she wanted to back out and clearly forgetting about the bond she could feel it as she put her hands on my cheeks "hey don't be worried about anything we are good this all happened for a reason these tattoos represent that we are meant for each other so don't stress ok" she told me and I nodded smiling before she pulling me in for a kiss making it slow and passionate both of us putting every ounce of love into the kiss of this was how put kissed would be all I wanna do is kiss her.

Once we pull away and look each other in the eyes I see nothing but love in her eyes and I know mine are showing the same I mean this is true love and couple of seventeen years are madly in love with each other and I could be happier so I take a step back holding my hand out to her "how about we go and chill on the oval and just sit there of a while enjoy each others company" i offered and she grabbed my hand "i would love nothing more" she said and we walked hand in hand to the oval both feeling content with each other.

Author's Note

Alright, guys, that's the filler chapter this week and they basically branded each other but in a cute way!

Now I am so sorry for the late update but to make up for it I did say there was a big announcement coming and that it!!

For the next two week instead of three chapters you are getting FOUR due to the episode being so details there will be a lot written so!!!!

I hope this makes up for it and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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