33|We're Gonna Need a Spotlight Part 1

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We're Gonna Need a Spotlight Part 1

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We're Gonna Need a Spotlight Part 1

The Salvatore School

Hope and Faith's Room

Faith's POV

I was sleeping cuddling with Hope until there was this loud chiming noise I tried to ignore until I realised it was the bell for the run so I jump up and saw Hope was still asleep and grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking them "Hope wake up something is trying to take the urn" I said causing her to shoot up quickly and we get dressed as quickly as we can trying to get the to trap.


We started running in the hallways trying to make it down stairs and once we do we bump into Ric and Dorian "sounds like the trap worked" Hope said causing Ric to trigger his crossbow and Dorian or pass Hope and I a sword each and we make out way to the old mill.

The Woods

We were all walking to the old mill until Hope decided to comment on Ric's attire "I know this is important but you couldn't have put pants on first" Hope asked causing me to chuckle I mean he was wearing a bath robe with no pants "it's a little early for snark Hope" Ric replied as we keep walking toward me the old mill "any guess on what famous monster film land we get to slay today" Dorian asked us causing me to wonder which one it'll be today "with our luck it'll be kathuloo" Ric says and i just have no clue who that is.

Until we hear a neigh "false alarm it's just a horse" Dorian says causing me to look closer "it must have gotten across the stables and wondered across the barrier spell" Ric says "guys we don't  have a white horse" I tell them and the 'horse' turns around and it turns out its a unicorn so those are real it's starts to move and Ric, Dorian and I lift our weapons up and Hope jumps in front of us causing me to put mine down immediately "hey, wait wait hold your first" Hope says playing advocate for the unicorn "It's a monster Hope it's here to take the artifact" Dorian tries to explain to Hope.

"You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn" Hope says and well when you put it that way it sounds really bad "I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it's cute" Dorian replied still in attack mode "can't we just like leave it alone it's trapped its not going anywhere it's harmless" Hope says and i realise she right "she's not wrong guys at least if it's here that means not more monsters" I tell them and Ric and Dorian agree "let's just stay alert and let it be" Ric tells us causing us to nod "alright well I'll be on alert back in bed"  Dorian says before walking off Ric following "I'm gonna go do some work in the library ok babe" I tell her causing her to nod as I give her a peck on the lips and walk off to the library.


Once is the library I start going over the song repeating the lyrics in my head over and over again hoping I can get this right since the talent show is tomorrow well today considering the time but anyway I really wanted these songs to go well I mean they were both for Hope but Most Beautifulest was to preform at the talent show with Josie, Kaleb, London and MG while Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic was something I was gonna preform just for her because I wanted to make sure this was something she would never forget i just wanted everything to go well.

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