15| The Tale of Two Wolves Part 1

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The Tale of Two Wolves Part 1

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The Tale of Two Wolves Part 1

Faith's POV

The Salvatore School

Klaus and Elijah had hauled Hope and I back to Mystic Falls for Hope's first transformation and surprisingly I've been able to keep myself in pretty good control I guess I was lucky to learn control when I was younger.

While Klaus headed somewhere Hope and I were in the library as we stared at Stefan Salvatore's diary "the diary of Stefan Salvatore" Elijah said realising what we were looking at.

"We're not supposed to touch it, but I practically have the whole thing memorized and spoiler alert, Dad is the villain and you're the evil henchman" Hope said.

"From one very biased perspective" Elijah interjected and I cough a little "yeah, well, I, uh, got a second opinion, the Mystic Falls files by Alaric Saltzman, Volume One, she's right you know" I told him.

"In every story, Dad is the big bad wolf" Hope said but she suddenly groans making Elijah and I worried " Hope" I whisper as she grabbed my hand "Hope, what is it? what's happening?" Elijah asked worried.

"Nothing I'm fine" Hope says still holding on tightly to my hand "ell, Davina said she gave you some pills for the discomfort" Elijah said trying to help.

"Yeah, well, you know what would really make me feel better? is spending the day with, like, anyone else" Hope says and I sigh at the family hatred still going on.

"Let's get out of here, I know a place in town, does a disturbingly decadent burger, let's do that" Elijah says and I perk up at the sound of food knowing I'm hungry.

"I'm not hungry" Hope interjects and I sigh giving Hope a pout "fine, you can have a milkshake" Elijah tells her and I look at Hope "please Hope it'll really help with the cravings" I tell her and she sighs giving in "yay" I say smiling.

Mystic Grill

Elijah, Hope and I were sitting at a table and while I was eating my burger and chips Hope and Elijah were having a nice chat, to say the least.

"If you're here to tell me that my dad has a heart of gold, this is probably the worst spot, considering that there's a plaque inside near the dartboard for some woman that he killed in a moonstone ritual" Hope said not very interested in being there. 

"Take a look at that storefront across the street with the charcoal awning, piece of land used to be our home, smell of it still haunts me to this day, the burning wood, the crushed flowers, the berries, your father was incessantly painting back in those days, mixing, searching for brighter reds, for deeper blues, used to wake me in the middle of the night just to show me the colour that he would swear he himself had invented, I remember the first time that he showed me a turquoise" Elijah said talking about there back story and I could see Hope smiling which made me smile.

"It's also the first time I smelled blood, you see, when Mikael found Niklaus fashioning a paintbrush from a small branch, he took that branch... he struck my brother across the face" Elijah continued making me sad for the man I look up to as a father figure.

"What did you do?" Hope and I asked curiously to see where the story continued.

"Niklaus begged me to run away with him, but I told him that I would never leave Rebekah and Kol at the mercy of Mikael, so we stayed and, of course, it was a mistake, we should've run away together, but... your father couldn't go alone but I did swear to him I would protect him from that very day" Elijah said making me smile at the brotherhood.

"Peanut butter blast, whipped cream on the bottom and a cookies and cream with whip cream on top, just how you two like it" Landon the server said knowing our orders by now.

"Thanks, Landon" Hope and I said before I started to dig in "uh, this is my uncle" Hope said motioning to Elijah "nice to meet you, Mr Marshall, so, Hope, Faith you haven't been around much lately" Landon said talking to us.

"Oh, yeah, there's been stuff back at home" Hope explained and I nodded while eating so food.

"Oh well Hope, I was, I was hoping you'd be back, I mean, you're from New Orleans, right? I've always wanted to go it's home to some of the greatest musicians of all time" Landon says and his full attention is on Hope now making me curious.

Just as he does some boys behind him start to throw stuff at him "You should go, no matter where you are, there's always someone playing a Louis Armstrong song somewhere' Hope explains and she wasn't wrong. 

Just as she does Elijah and I end up catching some ice cubes in our hands and I don't know about Elijah but mine was unintentional.

"Uh, actually, there's, um, there's music in the square tonight I mean, they do it all the time, but tonight there's this kind of bluesy vibe and I thought maybe if you wanted..." Landon says asking her out and I just couldn't believe it I just got done with Roman now I gotta worry about Landon.

"Oh, Landon, I-I can't tonight I have a thing" Hope said and while I was relieved Elijah and I were confused "right, yeah, I should probably pick up an extra shift anyway" Landon says pretty dejected.

"No, thanks, though, for asking and for the milkshake" Hope tells him trying to soften the blow "yeah, it was nice to meet you, see you Faith" Landon says "and you" Elijah returns as I give the boy a wave.

"The full moon doesn't crest until later, you could've gone with him, why didn't you?" Elijah asked her and I wanted to know as well "because I'm gonna be dead soon" Hope said and my eye went wide, what the hell was she on about.

"How did you know?" Elijah asked and I was even more confused "I'm sorry did everyone but me know, I knew it was consuming her but I didn't know she was dying" I said starting to freak out.

Every witch in our family locked in the bell tower all week creepy black veins all over my body and... it hurts, you know? how long do I have? " Hope asked him and I wanted to know as well.

"In your condition... we don't believe that you'll be strong enough to handle the full moon" Elijah said and that didn't make me feel any better.

"What's not to handle? it's only every bone in my body breaking all at once" Hope said and I sighed "you listen to me, your father is searching for a cure, even as we speak we will not allow anything to happen to you, you understand?" Elijah said reassuring her but it didn't help much for me at least.

"Elijah, it might be all for the best anyway" Hope said and my heart broke then and there "why would you say that?" Elijah said and just as he did the boy across started to bully Landon again before driving off. 

Hope and I didn't really like the way he was being treated, to say the least "know how to drive?" Elijah asked Hope "um, Mom and Declan taught me a little in the old truck" Hope explained as I remembered driving in the truck as well.

"I think it's probably time you drove a Bentley, come with me" Elijah said and while Hope got up I grabbed her arm "I've got some things to figure out ok, we'll catch up later" I told her and she was hesitant but she nodded.

"Stay safe" she tells me hugging me "only if you do" I tell her before she heads off and I know where I need to go.

Time to get the truth

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