06|A Movie Day Just For Us

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A Movie Day Just For Us

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A Movie Day Just For Us

Alaric's Office

Faith's POV

"Hey Ric any chance I can borrow your car for like for like half an hour I want to quickly head to the store" I asked Ric hoping he would say yes silently begging he would and he just chucked me the keys usually I would argue with him but not this time so I made a run for it.

The reason I needed the keys is because I wanted to watch a few movies and buy a bunch of treats so Hope and I could just have a movie day because of what happened to us yesterday I know it would be good for both of us to do this.

After the Drive

Food store

I parked in front of the food supermarket and headed in going straight to the junk food area aslie and went and grabbed some candy, chips and chocolate probably spending a good $30-$50 dollars I personally didn't want to know the actual number so I just payed and brought it into the car.

There was one more stop so I headed to the mystic grill getting Hopes favourite milkshake and her favourite dessert beignets now granted these aren't like the New Orleans ones but I hope they will do for now.

On the way Hope I started to get nervous because I really wanted Hope to like this because honestly she was the only person who could get me nervous like this and it scared me but I knew that if I felt like this I could trust her.

The Salvatore School


I just finished dropping Ric's keys of at his office and was on my way to Hope and I's room and just as I turned the corner I bumped into Josie see her fall I carefully put all the stuff down "oh god Josie I'm so sorry" I tell my best friend helping her up "it's fine Faith don't stress" she told me but I keep checking for any injuries or scratches until she grabbed my hands "Faith it fines chill" she told me causing me to breath out in relief.

"so what are you doing with all the food, having a secret party and to think I didn't get an invite" Josie joked after looking down see a bag full junk food this caused me to laugh with her "uh no it's actually for Hope and I, I was thinking of taking her mind of everything and just have a movie day" I told her and she looked at me in a sense of awe "you would really do all that for Hope" Josie asked me making me really think.

Of course I would it's Hope "yeah of course I mean its Hope she's my best friend" I told Josie honestly "and because your in love with her right" Josie asked causing me to choke on my own spit "what are you talking about" I stuttered looking at Josie while leaning against the wall for support "oh seriously Faith it's quite obvious maybe I just pay attention but I can see you love her and you have for a while haven't you" Josie told me causing me to nod I mean shes my other best friend why would I lie.

"yeah since before everything became a mess her whole family knew and I got the blessing from Hayley and Klaus on their final days alive it killed me because I knew why they were saying it" I told her honestly letting a few tears slip causing Josie to pull me into a hug.

Once we pulled away I checked the time and realised I should probably go to Hope now so we can hang out "well Josie as much as I have appreciated this talk I do have someone to take this food to so I shall see you soon" I tell her giving her a hug and saying goodbye before grabbing the food and running down to Hope and I's room.

Hope and Faith's Room

Once getting there I listen in just to make sure I don't interrupt something and hear just Hope's heartbeat before walking in "ok so I got a bunch of junk food, your favourite mystic grill milkshake along with some beignets and a few movies on my laptop I'm calling is a chill day what do you say" I finish looking up to see a shocked expression across Hopes face "sorry what" she asked causing me to sigh and I sat down next to her.

"with what happened yesterday I was thinking about us getting a happy day so I bought some junk food your favourite milkshake and some beignets and I was thinking we can just watch some movies and I know you love New Orleans beignets but I was thinking this is the next best thing if it's not I can go back and grab-" I started rambling only to be but off from Hope tackling me in a giant hug causing me to laugh.

"it's perfect thank you so much Faith" Hope said and eventually we got comfy snacking on some food while watching a few movies and we did it all day with no thought about anything else and I have to say it's the best day I've had in a while and it was with the one I love and at this moment all I could wish for is that somehow the universe would bring us together in that way.

"hey Faith I just wanna thank you again for the day you've always done your best to make me feel better and you're honestly the only person left who I've truly let in and I never what to lose you" Hope said holding me tighter "oh trust me Hope I can promise you I'm not going anywhere for a very long time" I tell her holding her just as tight.

That's how the rest of out night went just hugging and watching movies while snacking just being together which is something we both needed.

Author's Note

Alright guys I really hope you enjoyed it just another little cute moment between Hope and Faith next chapter will be the start of episode 3!!!

Also you guys are amazing I've had this book up for just over 2 weeks and we've already hit over 3k reads you guys are honestly amazing keep it up!!

Also I would just like to make something clear because I'm getting asked about it Faith turned into a Hybrid from Hope's blood but she is not sired to Hope and you'll find out why soon!

Also the episode last night ugh the Hosie though also sorry for this long authors note!!

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