03| The Story of Bree Armani's Past

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The Story of Bree Armani's Past

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The Story of Bree Armani's Past

3rd Person POV

To understand how Bree Armani got stuck in Malivore we have to go back in time to when she was born a simpler time in everyone's life.

Leo Armani, remember him well he got someone else pregnant and Bree Armani was born and left in his care and every day Bree and Faith would spend their time together since they were only a year apart.

That was until Faith was four and a half and Bree was three and a half when Bree was taken in the middle of the night by none other than Seylah.

She was looking for Faith but before she could find Faith she found Bree and heard someone coming so she grabbed and ran with baby Bree in her arms and she knew she had to do what she was going to do tonight.

Seylah needed a bargaining chip for freedom with Triad and she was gonna use her child Faith but Bree would work just as well considering they came for the same bloodline and both would have the wolf gene.

The idea was simple, raise Bree as her own, take care of her to an extent, and home school her to always keep her out of the public and hidden and when the time was right and she knew her time was running out she would trade Bree's life for her's and it was a price she was willing to pay with no guilt.

From that night till the moment Leo Armani had passed he never stopped looking for Bree but he still had to raise Faith, in all the hopes to find her he had anything that related to Bree hidden away in a box.

That box was given to Alaric when Leo had passed as it was addressed to Faith but due to the age Alaric had hidden it in a secret compartment in his office and was going to give it to Faith when he thought she would be ready for it.

After almost 6 and a half years Bree had turned 10 years old and Seylah was doing in Triad, keeping on the low doing what she was meant to do until she started to slip up and got caught looking into something she shouldn't have.

She knew her time was running out so she made the decision to bring Bree in the next day and do as she had always intended to do with the young Armani girl and make the trade she needed in order to save her life.

The next morning she got up and got reading encouraging Bree to do the same "why so urgent Seylah " Bree ask using Seylah's real name which was another thing Seylah had encouraged her to do because she wasn't Bree's Mum and she never wanted to be.

"You get to come to work with me today" Seylah replied and Bree's eyes went so wide with excitement and she couldn't be happier in over the 6 years Bree had been with Seylah she was never allowed to leave the house.

Bree never understood what the problem was, she didn't do anything wrong so why was she being kept in the house but whenever she would ask Seylah always gave her the same response "trying to protect" over and over again no matter how many times she asked, it never changed.

It got to a point where at around 7 or 8 she just stopped asking, feeling the defeat set in knowing in her heart of hearts she may never leave, she felt trapped like rapunzel stuck in a tower day after day with no life outside of it.

After Bree had finally processed what she said she smiled "really" she asked in excitement not believing what was being said and Seylah nodded giving her a tight-lipped smile in return "of course, you better get ready" she said.

This caused Bree to squeal in excitement and she quickly crashed into Seylah hugging her "thank you, thank you, thank you" she says before running off to get ready oblivious to what was to come.

So Seylah went through with the plan, she showed Bree around work all day long when her bosses saw the kid they looked at Seylah confused but Seylah gave them a signal telling them that she would be super important to their cause.

So they let her do what she needed to do, letting Bree look around and giggle in excitement about all the cool things around and she ended up getting one of the people at one of the stations to keep her busy while she had a chat with her bosses.

"Why is she here" her bosses asked "because I want to make a trade" Seylah claimed and her bosses suddenly became interested and motion her to go on with what she had to say because clearly, they knew she had a point to make.

"Bree has the werewolf gene, she hasn't triggered it yet but she's part of a bloodline that's very powerful and dangerous" she explained to her bosses and they looked at her with narrowed eyes "why are you telling us this" the main guy asked.

"Because I know you plan to throw me in that damn pit so I want a trade my life saved and you throw a potential dangerous werewolf in instead" Seylah bargained and while her bosses seems to look at each other before looking forward "deal" they said shaking hands with Seylah.

After that Seylah went a fetched Bree telling her she had one more thing to show her and then took her down to the pit where her bosses were standing there ready to go "Seylah who are they" Bree asked confused but before Seylah could even respond the bosses grabbed her.

Bree became even more confused not understanding what was going on anymore, this wasn't fun anymore she tried to shake out of the grip but it just tightened causing her to cry out in pain, so she look towards Seylah but she did nothing be watch.

"NOOO, LET ME GO, HELP MEEEE" Bree tried to scream for help but no one did and they threw her into the pit and she slowly sank in and for a second just a second Seylah felt something in her stomach but it was gone because she could truly notice it.

Within seconds of Bree submerging into the pit, she was removed from anyone's mind, no one knew what just happened but Seylah went home that night and saw children's toys all around and she knew one thing, she had to run.

And that was The Story of Bree Armani's Past

Author's Note

What's up guys!!!! today I was just feeling some inspiration to do some writing and I decided to write up this chapter based on one of the new characters we've introduced in the new season!

I know it's been a while and I'm slowing getting there in terms of updates, I'm really trying to find my motivation again, to be honest, and I'm getting there!

How have you all been though, let me know in the comments!!!

I'll see you guys in the next one!!

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