05| Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 1

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 1

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 1

Faith's POV

Hope and Faith's Room

Hope and I were chilling in our room and while Hope was trying to find a way to find her Mom I just sat there feeling pretty hopeless knowing I couldn't help her.

"Hope is there anything I can do" I asked her but she shook her head "no it's fine Faith just sit there and look pretty" Hope said and I slightly blushed at the comment but I still sighed regardless.

"What is it Faith" Hope said coming to sit next to me "I feel useless I just what to help but I'm not a witch, I can't do any of this stuff, I'm just a kid with anger issues and I hate it" I tell her looking down.

"Faith you being here is actually amazing for me, I don't know what is it but you keep me calm for some reason so honestly you being around me is the best thing you can do right now" she tells me and I look up and smile at her.

"Alright, well let's get reading, I may not know what I'm reading about but I can look for keywords that'll help" I tell her and she smiles before grabbing my hand and leading me down to sit next to her.

We heard a knock on the door and both looked up before Hope went and opened it only for Freya to be behind it "w-what happened?" Hope questioned and I stood up hoping the worst wasn't coming.

"Uh, oh, no, nothing uh, no, your... your father has search parties scouring every inch of the city we'll find her" Freya reassures us "I just... when I saw you, I thought that she... yeah so, wait, if she's still missing, then why are you here?" Hope said and I stood next to her trying to comfort as much as possible.

"Care package thought you could use a taste of home" Freya says holding up a bag of beignets "oh yay" I said snatching the bag out of her hands grabbing one going to sit back down of the bed.

"So you drove all this way to bring me beignets?" Hope questions "you know, I figured with everything going on, you could use a friend" Freya says and I cough "another friend" she corrects and I nod with a smile.

"Thanks, but I'm really fine, I've got Faith" Hope says and I smile "yeah turns out I'm crazy good at witch stuff" I say and both look at me giving me the same look "or not" I mumbled and continued to eat my beignet.

"Mm-hmm you know, I could be wrong, but, um, I think this is the part where you invite me in" Freya says still standing at the door "yeah, yeah yeah" Hope says finally letting her in and starts to clean all the magic stuff up be Freya already sees what it is.

"Locator spells in ancient languages? thought you weren't allowed to do magic outside of the classroom" Freya questions Hope "catch-up reading I'm trying to make up for being suspended, keep up my grades" Hope tells her "mm-hmm" Freya hums like she doesn't believe a word that is being said.

"I got to get back to work, aunt Freya" Hope says trying to get her to leave and Freya comes down and lays next to me.

"Sure, sure, I mean, I could just leave after an excruciating 11-hour drive to see my only niece and one of my favourite werewolves or... we could get comfy, stuff our faces with deep-fried glory, and you could tell me about that cute boy you had hidden in your room last week" Freya says and I groan at the mention of Roman.

"Seriously why is it all about him" I says and Freya looks at me "I take it you don't like to boy" she asked me "no, I don't trust the boy, he's up to something" I tell her.

Freya leans closer to me "is that because you're jealous that he gets her attention" Freya whispers and I glare at her "shut up" I whispered back only for Hope to stare at us.

"Everything ok" Hope asked and I nod "everything is fine" I tell her and Freya laughs but I nudged her hoping she'll stop and Hope continues to clean up" 

Soccer Field

Hope, Freya and I were walking past a bunch of the boys were playing soccer "so, which one is he?" Freya ask as I see Hope stare at Roman "the hot one that sweats diamond dust" Hope said and I scoff.

Roman then waves at Hope and shes gets so awkward which makes Freya and I chuckle at her awkwardness "oh, god keep-keep walking" Hope instructed trying to move forward faster "wait, you're not gonna wave back?" Freya asked.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how" I tell Freya and Hope shot me a playful glare "no, pretty sure, uh, his ego can handle it" Hope says "I hope it can't and that he dies of embarrassment" I say only receive a glare from Hope and a chuckle from Freya.

"Hey, so... that stuff you were studying earlier Alchemy of the Iberian Peninsula? Magic of the Middle East?" Freya says listing the books Hope was checking out "I'm examining regional magic as it relates to sociopolitical and economic statuses" Hope says that honestly, they flew right over me.

"So, what exactly are the sociopolitical implications of breaking powerful cloaking spells?" Freya asked "what do you want me to say? my mom's missing" Hope says getting frustrated "trying to break every possible spell in those books by yourself would take a thousand years" Freya says and I look at her wide eyes "um we don't have that long" I mention.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you and guess what? you and the witches haven't gotten anywhere I'm coming at it from a different angle" Hope says getting sassy "ok" Freya accepts.

"I'm the one that put the cloaking spell on her in the first place maybe I can find a way to lift it without being in the room with her" Hope says trying to figure out a way "and the fact that that's never been done in the history of witchcraft isn't going to deter you" Freya says.

"Hey if anyone is gonna do it, it'll be Hope" I say causing Hope to give me a smile before turning back to Freya "I can't just sit around and do nothing" Hope tells her determined.

"All right, then let's get to work" Freya tells us and I cheers "witchy time, yay" I say only to receive a glare from both "don't call it that" they tell me and I sigh "Jesus you try and have a nice moment and get shut down" I say while following them. 

It's definitely witchy time, tell me I'm wrong

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